Chapter forty-four

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After we got done with opening gifts we ate lunch and now everyone is scattered around the house going their own thing. My mom is painting her nails in the familyroom while watching Jake who is playing with his new toys, Gemma is watching TV and or on her phone in the livingroom with Anne & Robin, Harry, Nana, and I are at the kitchen table drinking tea and eating cookies while talking.

"I remeber when you were a baby, you had the bouncing tigger. You loved those things." Nana says.

"Those?" Harry qustions.

"Yes, she kept breaking them by sitting on them." Nana says and Harry bursts out laughing. "She would sit on it to try to get it to stop bouncing. So it would break and we would get her a new one. She actually started walking just so she could get to it."

"What do you mean?" Harry asks.

"My daughter... her mother had put the tigger down across the room from her and sat back to se what she would do. Mabel cried for a minute or so before getting up and walking to the tigger. Her mom was so surprised. The look on her face was priceless."my nana laughs.

Harry looks at me with a smile.

"So whens the wedding?" Nana asks as she sets her tea cup down.

"We dont really know yet. We just got engaged so we havent really planned that far ahead." I tell her.

"Have it during the summer." she says as she grabs a oatmeal cookie.

"Why?" Harry and I ask in unision.

"Well Mabel has school during spring, winter, and fall." she replies.

"And Harry has his tour during the summer." I say but Harry interupts me.

"Actually Mabel I dont." he says.

"What?" I ask confused.

"We dont have a tour next year.... 2016 I mean." he says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Well you know how our contracts expires next year? Well we arent signing with anyone until 2017 so we have a year off."

"Really?! Thats great!" I hug himand he laughs.

"I still have to work and stuff." he reminds me.

"But you'll still be home... right?"

"Yeah but every now and then i'll have to go and do a concert somewhere." He says as I pull away.

"So now the wedding is offically in the summer." My Nana says. I forgot she was in here.

"I guess it is." I laugh. "But why arent you guys signing with anyone yet?" I ask.

"Well two out of five of us are engaged and im pretty sure soon it wil be three out of five, so we want to have a year where we can get married and relax for a bit." He say as he pulls out his phone.

"That should be nice." Nana says.

"Yeah it should be since ive been thinking about somethings Mabel and I can do during that time." he says as he unlocks his phone.

"Oh really? Like what?" I ask with a smirk.

He looks up at me and then glances at my grandmother. "Hiking, mybe a trip to hawaii, camping, stuff like that."

"See Mabel thats what happens when you have a dirty mind, you get told." My nana says.

"I do not have a dirty mind, you have one." I snap and she laughs.

Harry just looks back and forth between us, with a shocked look on his face.

"Thats true your mother even knows it." she says as she takes a sip of her tea. "Well anyways, I know Mabel cant have kids but do you guys want to adopt?"

"No." I say before Harry can answer.

"Harry doesnt seem so fond of your answer." she raises a brow.

"I still want kids but I wont stop loving her if she still refuses to adopt." Harry says and Nana smiles.

"Your so sweet Harry. Im glad your the one thats marrying my grandaughter and not that asshole that she was dating before she met you."Nana says and I freeze up at the thought of Trevor.

"What was wrong with him?" Harry asks.

"Dont tell him." I hiss.

"He cheated, emotionally abused her, and..." she stops when she sees my face. "NEver mind. All you need to know is that he wasnt the greatest guy, so if she ever points him out to you, kick the guys ass for me an or dont let him near her."

"I wont." Harry's voice sounds really deep.

Pepper sits down at my feet and looks up at me. I get up and pick her up. I tak her upstairs and I get dressed in a pair of jeans, a black sweater, my uggs, and my black winter coat. I braid my hair and put on ablack headband that goes over my ears. I grab Peppers boots, yes I gor her little booties because last year her paws froze from the snow. I put a little sweater on her and pick her up. I take her downstairs and to the backyard before setting her down. She runs off doing a weird little skip every now and then. She stops amd starts digging so I wlkover but as I get close she jumps up and runs away with a toy in her mouth.

She wants to play. I havent played with her for awhile now. I chase after and snatch the toy away from her. I start running the opposite way and when I look back she tackles me to the ground. I lay in the snow laughing as she licks my face. All of a sudden there's a bunch of snow in my face. I gasp and sit up because of the cold and hear laughing. I turn to see Lia and Harry laughing their asses off.

I stand up and grab a handful of snow before making a snowball. They start running and I throw it at Lia. It hits her right in the back and she dramatically falls to the ground. I walk over and nudge her with my shoe.

"Is you dead? Or naw?" I say and Harry laughs.

"Stop kicking me or ill shove MY foot up YOUR ass." she yells at me and I jump back behind Harry.

She stands up and brushes herself off.

"Come on lets go inside." Harry says as he waps his arm around my waist.

We walk towards the house and Lia says "Actually I was thinking that we could go bowling and Harry could maybe invite... Niall?"

I stop deadin my tracks as do Harry and Lia.

"You like Niall." I state and she blushes.

It all adds up! Shes always asking me how Niall is and they danced together at my party!

"Sure ill invite him, I know he would love to come." Harry says and we start walking towards the house again.

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