Chapter eight

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Something wet and slobbery hits my face repeatedly, making me wake up.

"Pepper." I scold pushing her out of my face.

She walks across Lia making her groan and roll over.


I wipe my face and roll over towards the sleeping boy next to me. His eyes are sealed shut and his lips are slightly parted making a soft snoring.

I smile at his cuteness and pink the bridge of his nose so he can't breath.

He lays there for a moment before jerking awake and gasping for air.

I laugh and sit up.

"Why would you do that?" He asks wiping his eyes.

"Because I felt like it." I say pushing back the covers.

"Your mean." he grumbles as he pulls the covers over his face.

I climb over him and walk out of my room down the stairs. Pepper prances around my feet whining.

"Alright already." I say opening up the pantry.

The buzzer beeps indicating someone is trying to talk to us.

I press the button.

"Hello this is Mabel." I say glancing down at Pepper who sits patiently at my feet.

"It's Louis & Harry let us up." Louis says.

Oh chicken nuggets. I'm in so much trouble.

I press the other button to let them up to our floor. I walk to the entrance room and sit on the back of the couch facing the elevator.

It sings and slides open revealing Harry & Louis with smiles on there faces.

"Hey when did you two get here?" I ask hugging Louis.

"Early this morning. We couldn't wait to see you... and Lia." harry says pecking my lips.

"Why didn't you call or text?" I ask and they exchange glances.

"We wanted it to be a surprise." Louis says.

"Who's down there?" Baley yells.

Harry and Louis eyes go wide.

"Shit." I say mentally facepalming.

"It's Louis and Harry who ever you are get down here." Louis yells.

"Baley and Lia peak over the banister.

"Oh it's just you two. I thought it was someone important." Lia says with a teasing smile.

Harry and Louis relax before smiling. Lia and Baley come down the stairs and she hugs them both while Baley stands there awkwardly.

Harry looks at Baley and holds out his hand for him to shake.

"Nice seeing you again." Harry says politely.

"You too." Baley replies.

"We'll now that we have said hello, I'm hungry so Mabel get to makin breakfast." Lia says and we laugh.

They follow me to the kitchen and everyone sits down except Harry. He goes to the fridge and pulls out some eggs.

"Wow this place looks really nice." Louis says.

"Thank you." Lia and I say.

I take a skillet out of a cabinet and turn on the stove. Harry cracks the eggs and I turn to Louis, Baley, and Lia.

"You still have to paint my nails." I remind Baley.

"Fine with me. I can paint them now if you would like."

"Sure, just let me get the nail polish." I say walking out of the kitchen.

I run upstairs to my room and grab my favorite blue nail polish before running back down the stairs.

I sit down next to him and hand the polish to him. He chuckles and takes the polish from me.

"So now your her personal nail artist?" Louis asks.

"No, I just owe her." Baley replies.

"For what?" Harry asks.

I shoot Baley a look but he ignores me and says "for letting me sleep in one of the guest rooms."

I look up at Harry who looks back at me. I bite my lip and look back down at Baleys hand painting my nails.

"That was okay right? I didn't want any conflict between us so you can tell me if your not okay with that." Baley says to Harry.

"It's fine." Harry says in a low voice.

Okay obviously he's not okay with it.

From the start harry has not liked Baley at all. He told me that he trusted me and didn't care if I hung out with Baley but I don't think he's okay with him spending the night...

Lia leans over to see me and bites her lip. I look away and back at Harry.

"Hey babe how long are you staying?" I ask.

"Umm just for two days." He answers.

"And that is today and tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah we leave Tuesday morning." he says looking up at me.

"Where are you two staying?" I ask.

"Here. Duh." Louis says smacking me upside of my head.

"Ouch! Louis!"

"Sorry mabes." he says and kisses my cheek.

I huff and turn back to Harry who looks quite amused.

"We're going skateboarding." I tell harry.

He cracks a egg on accident and turn I me.

"Pardon me?" He says

"I'm teaching you and Louis how to skateboard and or longboard if we have time." I say pulling my hands away from Baley who is now done with my nails.

"That's not such a good idea when it comes to Harry. Me yes but Harry no." Louis says.

"I agree with Lou on this one. I'm not very good at that stuff." Harry says as he wipes the cracked egg off of the counter.

"Harry." I whine.

"No." he says crossing his arms over his chest.

"Please." I beg, giving him a puppy dog face.

He bites his lip and his expression softens.

"Either you can go or I can." Baley says and Harry shoots him a look.

"I'm going." he says turning back to the pancakes.

"Your welcome." Baley whispers as he pokes me in the side.

Louis high fives him and I get up.

"Okay call me down when the food is ready." I say as I leave the kitchen.

This is gonna be exciting.

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