Chapter three

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A week later

My alarm buzzs waking me up. Harry rolls over away from the sound but doesnt wake up. I sit up and get out of bed. I go to my closet and pick out some clothes before going to my bathroom and taking a shower.

Today I just have to go to a doctors appointment for a check up.

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around myself. My wet hair cascades down my back as I open the door. Harry rolls over and watches me as I grab my clothes.

"Turn around." I say.

"It's not like I havent seen you nude before." he says with a inoccent smile.

"Harry." I scold.

He laughs and rolls over. I change into a pair of jean shorts, a gray shirt that ties at the front, and a pair of gray vans.

"Are you done yet?" he asks as I put my hair up in a messy bun.

"Yes." I say and he rolls back over.

"I'll be back later." I say.

"Okay, I might not be here when you get back though." he says as I come around to his side of the bed.

"Okay." I say and I kiss him goodbye before walking out of the door.


Three hours later.

I walk out of the docters office with tears running down my face. I wipe my face before unlocking my ferrari that Harry got me for my eighteenth birthday (which was last december).

I get in and close the door. I look down at the papers in my hand and sob.

I offically hate myself.

I take a deep breath and start the car. I drive to the house and turn the car off. Harry's car isnt here so I know he's not here. I wipe my face and get out of the car. I walk up to the house and open the door to a quiet house. I shut the door behind me and walk up the stairs step by step slowly. I walk to my room and sit down on my bed. The medical papers are still in my hands and my anger & sadness boil.

I rip the papers up and throw them in the trash before crawling into the bed and Pulling the covers over my head. Thats how Harry finds me.

Harry's pov

"I hope Mabel made dinner for us." Niall says as we walk up to the house.

"I do too. Im strarving." Louis says as I unlock the door.

The door locks instead of unlocks. Thats weird. Mabel forgot to lock the door.

We walk in to the dark house and I look around.

"Well I guess someone didnt make dinner." Niall complains.

"Mabel?" I call.

We all stop and listen but I dont hear anything. I go up the stairs and Louis follows me. Her bedroom door is wide open and I look in. She lays in the bed with the covers up to her chin. Mascara is all down her face and her eyes are red & puffy.

I walk to the bed with Louis behind me.

"Mabel, Honey whats wrong?" I ask shaking her awake.

"Just leave me alone." She says turning over.

"Mabel darling, your a mess. What happened?" Louis asks.

"Please just go away." She says into her pillow.

Shes really upset about something.

"Do you want Harry to leave so you can tell me?" he asks and I shoot him a look.

She nods and I something stirs inside me.


I hate that feeling.

Louis turns to me and shoos me out of the room. He closes the door behind me. I sit outside the door for twenty minutes until it opens. I stand up and Louis looks at me.

"I cant tell you what she said. I promised not to, but go comfort her. She needs it." he says and walks past me.

I walk in the room and find her sitting up but staring at her lap. She looks up at me. Her usual bright green eyes a dull gray.

She sobs and opens her arms for me. I rush into them and she cries into my shoulder. Her body shakes with each sob.

"Whats going on love? Im really worried."

"I-I cant t-tell you. You'll leave me." She cries.

"What? Im never leaving you. I love you." I say holding her shaking body closer.

"Than your going to hate me." she says burring her head in my neck.

"I will never hate you."

She's silent and I pull back to look at her face.

"Never. Ever." I say and she nods.

"Are you going to tell me whats wrong then?" I ask and she shakes her head.

I sigh and pull her back to me. I lay back against the bed pulling her on top of me. I rub her back and every now and then she hiccups but she soon falls asleep. I slide out from under her and pull the covers over her. I switch off the light and go down the stairs to the family room where the boys all sit watching Family Guy.

"Is she okay?" Louis asks.

"Yeah, but she wouldnt tell me whats was going on." I say sitting down next to Niall.

Louis looks down at his feet.

"Can you tell me?" I ask.

"I promised her I wouldnt." he says quietly not looking up.

"Please Lou. I need to know whats going on with her. It kills me to see her like that." I beg and he sighs.

"You didnt hear it from me." He says pointing at me.

"Okay." I say nodding.

The boys go silent and Liam turns the TV down.

Louis takes a deep breath before saying "She cant get pregnant."

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