Chapter twenty-nine

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When we get home the house next to ours has its garage door open with a moving truck.

"We finally have neighbors!" I exclaim as he parks the car. "Should we go say hi?"

"No let them settle in." he says.

"Or we could help them." i ugh eat and he sighs.

"Sometimes your too nice." he says shaking his head.

"Your too nice sometimes too." I interject.

"Touché." he says as we get out.

Harry's phone rings and he answers it.

"Hello... okay. Thank you so much... Yes sir I'll be there in ten. Thanks again." he hangs up and looks at me.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." he kisses me briefly before getting back in the car and driving off.

I wait for harry to get of seeing distance before I walk out of the gate, press in the code for it to close, and walk over to the new neighbors house.

Don't screw this up.

Wait is that... Winnie?

Harry's POV

I drive up and park the car making sure the ring is in my coat pocket. I walk up to the house and open the door.

"Im home!" I yell.

I wait for an answer but none comes. I walk up the stairs and go into one of the spare rooms where I put the little box under the matress. When I walk out I lock the door and close it.

"Mabel." I call.

The front door opens and closes. I get to the banister and see Mabel with paint all over her.

"Umm Mabel?" I say as I wlk down the steps. "What happened?"

"Oh this? Winnie and I got into a paint fight." She explains.

"Im confused."

"The new neighbors are winnie and her dad. I helped them move some stuff in and I helped Winnie paint her room which didnt work out so well."

"Oh." I say.

"Sorry that I went over without you. I just saw winnie and I-"

"Its okay." I sigh and she presses he rlips in a line.

Her phone starts playing that song that she sung to Jake and she freezes. She pulls out her phone slowly and her eyes widen.

"What?" I ask.

"My dad is calling. What should I do?" she asks frantically.

"Answer it." I say and she looks back down at her phone.

She presses accept than puts it on speaker.

"Hello?" She says warily.

"Is this Mabel?" A mans voice asks through the phone.

"This is." she says staring down at the phone.

"Oh sorry you sound a lot diffrent. I erm... Im sorry." He says and Mabel starts chewng on her nails. A nervous habit that I thought she got over.

"For what?" she asks.

"For being a horrible dad. I've finally come to my senses to see it. I've been wanting to call you for while now but i havent built up the courage until now.. I'm just really sorry. I got you a birthday & a christmas present for you. I hope I see you and Jake sometime soon so i give you guys your presents." He says and Mabel looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

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