Chapter twenty

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The bed dips next to me and someone shakes me.

"Mae, dinner is ready." harry says still shaking me.

"Five more minutes." I groan while rolling over.

"You said that ten minutes ago the food is getting cold." he chuckles and I puta pillow over my head.

He lifts it up off of my face and pulls me up into a sitting position.

"I'm tired." I whine trying to lay back but he keeps me sitting up.

"You've been sleeping for like five hours." he says smiling and I throw myself to his side of the bed with my face smoothed into mattress.

"Get up." he says smacking my bum.

I roll over and slung my arm over my head.

"No." I say stubbornly.

"Fine." he says and before I know it he throws himself over me.

"Harry!" I laugh trying to push him off of me.

"Kiss me and I'll get off." he says and I scrunch up my nose.

"No. boys have cooties."

"Fine I'm never moving." he says and he goes dead weight putting all of his weight on me.

"Babe get your fat ass off of me!" I say as I struggle to get out from under him.

"You called me fat." he fake sobs.

"Suck it up." I tease.

"Now I'm never getting up." he says wrapping his arms around my waist.

We sit in silence before I realize I have to pee.

"I have to pee." I whine and he laughs.

"Kiss me then."

"Fine. Just let me go to the bathroom!" I say and he lifts off of me.

I roll off of the bed and walk to my bathroom before closing the door behind me.

When I come out Harry is laying back against the bed staring up at the ceiling.

"Can I go back to sleep now?" I ask as I crawl onto the bed.

"You haven't given me my kiss." he points out.

"If I kiss you can I sleep?" I lay down next to him propping myself up on my elbow.

"Only if I get to stay with you." He says propping himself up on his elbow.

"Of course you get to stay with me." I say and I lean in, brushing my lips against his then pull away.

"Mabel." he laughs and I roll away from him.

"Good night Harry." I say trying not to laugh.

"Mabel. mabel. mabel. mabel." he respects while he pokes me in the back of the head.

"What?" I say rolling back over and he wraps his arm around me and pulls me to him.

"Let me kiss you!" He says in a harmonious tone and I laugh before he places his lips on mine.

He pulls away and I roll over onto my back.

We sit in silence for a moment before he says "in the future where do you want to live? I mean Where do you want our kids to grow up? Where do you want our little family to live?"

There's only one problem to that question. I cant have kids or at least give birth. Maybe I should tell him now. it would be the perfect time to tell him.

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