Chapter thirty-five

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I yawn and roll over towards Mabel's side of the bed. I open my eyes to see that she's facing me but she's still sleeping. I usually act like I'm sleeping so she wakes me up because she does it differently every day. One time she tried straightening my hair but I got up before the straightener got near my hair.

I stare at her and smile when she pulls the cover up over her shoulders, not quite touching her ear. I was so happy last night when she said yes, and I still am. She seemed happy to by the way she almost choked me out. I just can't believe that I'm going to marry her one day. I know she's going to be an amazing wife and maybe even a great mother, if she decides to adopt which she doesn't seem to want to do.

Her hair falls in her face and I brush it out of the way. Her eyes slowly open and I smile at her. She smiles back at me but then her eyes close again and her smile slowly fades as she falls back asleep. I chuckle and grab my phone from my nightstand.

To: Zayn, Louis, Niall, Liam, Paul, uncle Simon, Gemma

She said yes!

I'm going to call my mum. I dial my mums number as my phone buzzes but I ignore it as I sit up.

"Hello." she answers.

"She said yes."

"I knew she would!" She laughs.

"Yeah she was really happy... I'm really happy." I glance over at her as she rolls over away from me.

"She makes you happy, doesn't she?"

"Very. My life isn't complete without her. She is my life. I love her like you wouldn't believe." I sigh.

"I believe it honey, you just asked the girl to spend the rest of your lives together." she says.

I laugh and then glance at Mabel who rolls over so she's facing me again. I need to be more quiet.

"True, I have to go. Mabel's waking up and I didn't want her to wake up yet." I whisper.

She was up, almost until 3:30 am because she couldn't sleep.

"Okay sweetie, I'll talk to you later." she says.

"Alright, bye. Love you."

"Love you too." she replies and she hangs up.

I look back at Mabel who's struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Go back to sleep." I whisper.

"But I don't wanna." the last part comes out as a whisper as her eyes shut all the way.

I don't know why she was awake almost all night but it happens often but last night was the latest. Those nights that she can't sleep she goes into the other room so she doesn't bug me but she stayed in the room last night which I didn't mind at all. I mostly slept but every now and then I would wake up to her singing quietly to herself as she played games on her phone which I didn't mind at all either because I love it when she sings. She's an amazing singer, and hearing her sing lightens my day. I love her so much, I hope she feels the same.

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