Chapter eleven

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Its been a week and today is my first day of school.

I'm a nervous wreck!

Harry is letting Lia and I use their white jeep that was at one of the pent houses here in cali.

"Lia! Hurry up!" I yell.

"I'm coming!" She yells.

I run my fingers through my hair and fix my blue, red, and white flannel shirt.

Lia bounds down the stairs and smiles.

"Let's go girly." she says and walks past me.

We get to the jeep and she drives.

We get to campus and park out car. We watch a few students walk up to the gigantic building ahead of us.

"Let's go." she says unbuckling.

We walk Up to the sidewalk and we split up.

Building c is what I'm looking for. I look around and someone bumps into me.

"Watch where your going." he says picking his skateboard.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention so its partly my fault." I tell him.

He looks up at me and does a double take.

He has blue eyes that remind me of Nialls, a eyebrow piercing, and Blond hair with black streaks in it.

"Your harry styles girl." he says.

"Yep." I say nodding.

"Oh wow. what are you doing here?" He asks.

"I'm a freshman here." I say and he nods.

"Someone as rich as you should be going to a better college." he says fixing his blond hair.

"I'm not the rich one. my boyfriend is. and I refused his money to help with my college. I'm here on a scholarship." I tell him.

"Oh. so your not stuck up like the rest of the celebs."

"No. I have had this conversation with to many people and your not worth my time." I say turning around.

"Of corse I'm not your to stick up to have a civil conversation with me." he says.

Am I stuck up?

I blow him off and keep walking.

I find building C in the distance and I start jogging.

I get there and open the door. I walk to the back of the classroom which gets me a lot of surprised looks. after a few minutes of writing notes down the door opens and that guy walks in.

"Your late Mr. Cashel." the teacher says with a stern look.

"Okay? Thats my problem because?" he says sitting down at the desk next to me.

She scoffs and sits down at her desk.

I look back down at my notes and he turns to me. He stares at me for a few minutes before I look up at him annoyed.

"What?" I ask.

"I didnt introduce myself earlier today." He says with a smirk.

"Okay." I say turning back to my paper.

"My name is Asher Cahsel." he says.

"Cool." I say.

"Your a bad girl arent you. Cause all of the good girls want me." He says and I turn to him.

"No im not a bad girl your just ticking me off." I say sweetly.

"So you are interseted." he says with a smirk.

"As if."

"Give me to reason why your not interested." he says putting his hand on my leg.

I smack it away. "1. Im not looking for someone, im already in a relationship. 2. I dont want and STD. 3. Your sick minded you bastard." I say grabbing my stuff.

I scoot over three seats and sit at that desk. He doesnt follow me which im glad for.

After class he folllows me out and pulls me to the side.

"Im sorry for how I acted earlier. Can I show you that im not such a jerk?" he asks and I shake my head.

"I have to get to class." I say yanking my arm away.

I walk to my next class and am reilved to see Baley in the middle row. I sit down next to him and he looks over at me.

"Hey, hows school going?" he asks.

"Ehh its okay." I answer.

"Excuse me but are you Mabel Bickham?" A girl my age asks.

"Yeah why?" I ask turning around.

A girl with blond hair that's up in a pony tail, pink nails, and a devish smirk on her face sits there with a group of girls.

"Your harry styles girlfriend aren't you?" She asks.

"Yes I am and you are?" I ask.

"The queen of this university. And I dong like how your taking the spotlight from me" she says clicking her nails on the desk.

"I don't remember stealing the crown of dramatic." I say and she stops clicking her nails.

"You know, your boyfriend is just another nobody that thinks there a some body. unlike you, I see something in you Ms. Mabel. you can be apart of us if you I don't know... dump your boy." she says cocking her head.

"Never I a million years. And Harry is a somebody. he's bigger than you could ever think to be. so I would keep the rude comments to myself if I were you because you have no damn clue what your talking about." I say calmly.

"I'm hitting a nerve... aren't i?" She says.

"Mabel don't give in to her." Baley says putting his hand on my arm.

I nod and turn back around. all through class she makes rude comments about the boys and me. We are dismissed and we walk towards the doors.

"There's a difference between her and me. my boyfriend has TALENT." She says and I spin around.

I punch her straight in the nose and she falls backwards.

She pulls her hand away from her nose and blood comes from it making me light headed.

I shake out my hand and Baley grabs my arm.

"Come on your gonna get in trouble!" He says and we start running.

"She hit me! MABEL YOU JUST MADE A HUGE MISTAKE!" She screams and I laugh.

Wow is she that messed up that she'll come back for few more punches in the face?

Typical white girl.

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