Chapter twelve

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Later that night.

I get out of my car and my phone rings.

"Hello." I say.

"Are you okay? I heard you got into a fight. What happened?" Harry asks.

"Umm it wasn't much of a fight. I just punched a girl in the nose for being a stuck up bitch." I state and he sighs.

"You can't just go around punching people because their being rude."

"You don't know what she said."

"What did she say?" He asks.

"Nothing." I grumble.

"Did you hit her hard?" Louis's voice asks.

"Am I on speaker?"

"Yes now answer my question." louis says.

"Yeah I think I broke her nose. I should have done more damage than that." I say.

"Good job but next time give her a black eye and knock out a tooth." Liam laughs.

"Don't encourage her!" Harry says and I laugh.

"Hey Mabel! Wanna learn how to box?" Liam asks.

"Liam!" Harry scolds.

"Totally! That would be awesome!" I say.

"Are you trying to get someone killed?" Harry asks.

"Well if she made enemy's I think she's going to need something to back her up." Liam says.

"I agree with Liam." Zayn says.

I push the doors open to the lobby and step in.

"Mabel please dont listen to them." Harry says and I laugh as I press the elevator button.

I step in as the boys bicker with each other. I go up to the pent house and get out.

"Get out!" Lia screams from upstairs.

The boys go silent and theres a loud bang.

"Mabel whats-"

I dont hear the rest because Lia screams "Get out you bastard!"

I end the call and throw my stuff down before running up the stairs.

I open Lia's door with a oud bang and Lia stands with a guy that I recognise from high school. He always talked to her in the halls and seemed to stare at her all the time.

He turns to me with tears running down his face.

"Whats going on?" I ask and Lia wipes her tear stained face.

"Ryan was just leaving." She says and he turn back to her.

"Babe please." he begs.

"She wants you out, I advise you to leave before I escort you out." I tell him and he looks at me with tears in his eyes.

He walks past me and I follow him down the stairs to the elevator. I press the button for him and he gets in. He looks away as the doors close.

Lia appears at the banister and I look up at her.

"Who was that?" I ask and she sighs.

"Ryan my... well hes my ex now." she says and my eyes grow wide.

"What do you mean? you never told me you had a boyfriend." I say and she wipes her face.

"I know and I wish I did. I just couldnt find time to tell you." She says.

"So what happened?" I ask and she breaks down.

"H-He cheated on me last week and he came all the way here just to tell me. He said he was sorry but I just couldnt. I cant." she says and she collapses onto the floor.

I grab my phone and run up the stairs to her.

"I love him. He said he loved me. He lied." She sobs as I pull her into a hug.

"It'll be okay." I say and she shakes her head.

My phone rings in my hand but I ignore it.

"Lets get you to your room." I say helping her up.

She sniffles as we walk down the hall. I lead her to her room and I push the door open wider with my foot.

I lead get to the bed and she lays down. She silently cries into her pillow as I pull the covers over her.

My phone rings again as I close her bedroom door behind me.

"Mabel what's going on?" Harrys frantic voice asks.

"Nothing where fine now." I say.

"What happened?" He asks more calmly.

"Lia's boyfriend came over and they broke up because he cheated on her." I tell him as I go down the stairs.

"That's horrible." he says.

"Yeah I know." I agree.

"So how was your first day of university?" He asks.

"It's called college here but it was okay except the face that I broke a girls nose.

"Yeah and about that... you need to be more careful. I don't want some nasty rumor being made up about you, you know?"

"I know." I say sitting down on the couch next to a sleeping Pepper.

"Please try not to get into anymore fights." he says and I sigh.

"I can't help it if some girl is harassing me." I mumble.

He's silent for a second.

"What did she say to you?"

"I umm have to go.... I have some stuff to finish and it has to be done by Tomorrow so..." I trail off but he doesn't buy it.

"What did she say?" He asks again.

"Nothing. I'm just going insane so I thought u heard her say stuff okay?"

He laughs. "mabel just tell me."

"Wha... I.... ant..... Hear.... Yo..... We're.... Brea.. Ing.... upp...." I say and I hang up.

Good one mabel.

I sit back and turn the tv on and my phone starts ringing. I turn it off and enjoy my favorite show.

It's once upon a time, obviously!

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