Chapter 2

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I slept well last night. Dilan actually listened and didn't have sex with boyfriend number three in our dorm room and I heard her come back late in the night. I'm a light sleeper, so I hear everything. I actually emailed Professor Arnault before going to bed, but he didn't respond by the time I fell asleep. Opening up my laptop, I went straight to my email. I had a few from my other classes that I will look at later, right now, something else was more important. He actually responded. There it was, begging me to open it. I opened it.

Good morning Scarlett,

Sorry for the inconvenience. It slipped my mind that you would have to make up these hours due to my absence. To make up those hours, I will have you teach all four of my classes this upcoming Monday. I hope you are up for the challenge. Have a nice weekend.

Killian Arnault.

I sat back in bed, a smile growing on my face. All four classes? That is indeed a challenge. I didn't know that much about creative writing, which were two of the four classes he taught. I knew enough to get me through the one class I did teach for him. His other creative writing class was advanced.

Wait. Have a nice weekend? I looked at my phone. It's currently Wednesday. Did he not plan on coming back in time for Thursday's World History class? I groaned, sinking into my pillows. Five days without seeing his face. More like five days to plan. That's better. I sat up, a smile back on my face. I'll use this time to do the research needed for his creative writing classes and finalize what I want to do to get his attention. Tossing my laptop to the side, I sat on the edge of my bed and watched my roommate as she slept. Her fire red hair was a mess, sheets barely covering her almost naked body. She's so lucky to be able to find someone so easily to sleep with. Sometimes I wish it were that easy for me. Sighing, I got up from my bed and stretched, bones popping from the lack of movement.

I decided I was going to go to the library for a bit to do some research on creative writing. I'm only student teaching for Professor Arnault because my advisor said it would look good on my record. I finished getting ready, donning a simple black hoodie with gray leggings and shoved my feet in running shoes.

"Where are you going?" The groggy voice of my roommate filled the room and I turned to look at her as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"To the library." I said, closing the small closet door.

"Why?" She asked me, slowly sitting up in her small bed. I made a face.

"Why are you asking so many damn questions?" I asked her, grabbing my backpack from the floor. She was never this interested in my whereabouts, so I don't know why she is now.

"I'm bored. I have no one to hangout with." She whined, lifting up her arms and dropping them just as quickly, her head leaning back against the wall.

"Ask one of your boyfriends." I told her, slamming the door behind me as I left our dorm room. Bored? And she really thought I would want to hang out with her? The three in a half years we've been roommates, we never hangout once. She was too wild for my taste, I'd rather sit in the library with a book or write a story in a notebook, getting lost in a fantasy world. She would find that boring, as I would find getting blackout drunk at a party boring. So we had a mutual understanding of each other and never got in the other's way. Maybe since we were getting close to graduation, she thought it would be a great time to finally bond. She thought wrong.

It was pretty early in the morning still, about 7 a.m., so there weren't many people out and about. Most classes started at 9 a.m. There were a few who had 8 a.m. classes, but even they wouldn't be out this early. This time was for the athletes and nerds. Like me. The ones who sat in the library from open to close if time permitted. The air was cool on my skin and I breathed it in, reminding myself how great life was. A few birds chirped and the clouds in the sky were slightly dark, making today a nice cloudy day. Just how I like it. The walk to the library didn't take long at all and I made it there in no time. The library officially opens at 8 a.m., but Sarah, the librarian, knows me and lets me in early. I made sure she was the first person I bonded with then I got here.

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