8 - Christmas night

Start from the beginning

"Hmm, and there was no note at all? No card? No message of any kind?" She asked.

"No." Harry said blankly.

"I see, well I'm going to have to take these from the both of you."

"What why?" The two of you yelled in unison which caused Fred and George to stop running around the room.

"They will need to be checked for jinxes. Of course, I'm no expert but I daresay Madam Hooch and Professor Flitwick will strip it down."

"Strip it down!" Ron yelled.

"It shouldn't take more than a few weeks, you will both have it back when we are sure they are jinx-free."

"There's nothing wrong with it!" Harry's voice started to shake as he spoke again. "Honestly Professor-"

"You can't know that Potter, not until you've flown it, at any rate, and I'm afraid it is out of the question until we are certain that they have not been tampered with. I shall keep you both informed." She turned on her heel carrying the two brooms with her and left the common room.

Both you and Harry looked furious and even Ron and the twins had a dark expression on their faces at the events that had just taken place.

"What did you go running to McGonagall for?" Ron yelled as he circled the girl.

"Because - I thought - and Professor McGonagall agrees with me - that that broom was probably sent to Harry and (y/n) by Sirius Black!" The girl threw her book down and stormed up to the girl's dorm.

"So much for the Christmas spirit." Fred muttered as he sat down next to you on the sofa in front of the fire. Both Harry and Ron went off to bed moaning about the girl's actions and Percy followed suit. Ginny left soon after to sleep which left you and the two twins and Fang.

"I say we prank Snape next." George spoke up

"With what?" You asked.

"Let a stink pellet go off in his classroom as we leave." George smirked.

"I was thinking of sneaking into the Slytherin common room and letting one go off in Adrian's room." Fred responded.

"How are we supposed to get in?" George asked.

"Polyjuice potion." You suggested.

"Brilliant!" Now we need someone to brew it." Fred leaned his head on your shoulder and looked up at you. "(y/n)." He longed out your name. "You know how you're really good at potions-"

"Get me the ingredients and you have yourself a deal. It'll be done after the holidays if you get me what I need by the end of this week. It takes about a month to brew so I'll have it done for a week or so into the new term."

"You angel!" Fred hugged you and George followed suit. You laughed at the boys as they pulled away.

"I'm off to bed." You announced as you stood up. Both boys followed suit. George pulled you into another hug and headed to bed.

"C'mere." Fred pulled you into a hug as he spoke into your hair. "Merry Christmas (y/n)."

"Merry Christmas Fred."

"Are you sure about the firebolts? You know keep ' em and all."

"Fred, why would I buy it for you just to take it back?"

"I dunno I guess we aren't used to this sort of stuff." You knew about the Weasleys' situation with money and anything they got, they took care of it like their lives depended on it well, other than Ron's wand and car but besides that, they took care of everything.

"You're keeping it Fred."

"Mum'll be mad." He smiled down at you.

"I think I can handle her, I've handled four of her sons for a good few years I'm sure I'll be okay. Besides she loves me." You smiled back.

"She'd rather adopt you than keep me."

"Can you blame her?" You laughed as he slapped your arm playfully.

"Can you two be quiet please!" Percy yelled down the stairs leading to the boy's dorm.

"I'm gonna kill that boy."

"Perfect Percy." You muttered, rolling your eyes as Fred laughed at you. "Now before Percy throws a fit I best get to bed." You looked up at him."Goodnight Fred."

"Goodnight (y/n), Merry Christmas." 

You walked into your room but a small voice caught you off guard. Turning around you saw Hermione. "(y/n) I'm sor-" 

"Mione you don't need to apologise. I know you were just looking out for us. I'm sure the boys will get over it soon." You smiled at the girl and she weakly smiled in return. "Get some rest Mione, I'll speak to the boys." She thanked you and headed to bed. 

You were slightly annoyed at the girl's actions but you knew she was only trying to look out for you and Harry. You could tell she was so upset by her actions and pushing her away wouldn't help anyone.

You lay in bed with Fang cuddled up to you by your side, you were thinking about your dad. How did he get into the tower? He surely didn't know the password, did he? What if someone was helping him? Could it be Lupin? And if Hagrid was right, what was he looking for? Or who was he looking for?

Sleep overtook you and your eyes closed and you fell into a deep sleep with Fang by your side. 

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