41. Homeward Bound

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Request: The read is in the army and left behind a pregnant Elsa who misses her so much. She comes back home for her birthday to surprise Elsa with the help of Anna. Their baby is born on the same day after they met. 

As the ship neared Arendelle, I had a few minutes to marvel at the sight of home before I had to get off of the ship the back way. Soldiers in Arendelle uniforms were greeting their wives but I wasn't able to do that yet since I was supposed to be on the next ship which arrives in a week. 

However, I wanted to surprise my pregnant wife and the fifth spirit, Elsa, who is home for the holidays and for her birthday which is on the Winter Solstice. Arendelle was at war with the Southern Isles for two years and it's finally over, with us having being the victors, of course. Anna is supposed to help me surprise Elsa, but I can't find her. 

"She better not be at the chocolate shop stuffing her face again," I muttered. It was really cold and I didn't have a very warm uniform, since soldiers run and sweat and die. No need for warmth there. 

"Y/N!" Anna called out as she saw me. I gave her a long hug before quickly pressing my finger to my lips. 

"No one is supposed to know I'm here," I whispered. 

"Right!" Anna said, a little quieter. 

"Elsa has no idea I'm here?" I asked. 

"Nope," Anna replied, popping the p. Perfect. Anna handed me Kristoff's jacket and hat, which hid my uniform and most of my face before we set out into town. I picked up some of Elsa's favourite chocolates, a dress I know she wanted but didn't buy because a young villager was admiring it, and a beautiful necklace with an aquamarine snowflake pendant. 

"I think that's about it," I declared, holding all of the bags. 

"Great! You can surprise her at dinner. I think she's sleeping since baby hormones can be a bit crazy," Anna said, and led me into the castle silently. 

"Stay out of sight. I'll come get you in 15 minutes." Of course I didn't listen to her. It's been so long since I've been in the castle and I wandered around. Amazing scents were wafting out of the kitchen, they redid the wallpaper, but other than that, it still looks like home. 

I wanted to go into the kitchen to see if I could steal some chicken since I was starving, but I was stopped by a voice. 

"Y/N!" I turned around and saw Kristoff.

"Hey," I said. 

"What are you doing here? Your ship is supposed to arrive next week, Elsa is planing for your arrival."

"Change of plan. I'm here to surprise Elsa," I replied, "It's her birthday and the baby is due soon, and I really don't want to miss either of those. Don't tell anyone I'm here."

"Got it!" Kristoff winked and walked off. I sighed in relief. If that was someone else I could've blown the surprise thing. I wandered back to the storage room that Anna told me to stay in, and she came in not a second later. 

"Y/N! There you are! Don't wander off again!" she said sternly. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the dinning room excitedly. 

Kristoff, Olaf, and my beautiful wife Elsa were sitting around the table talking. 

"I wish Y/N were here," Olaf said sadly. 

"Me too," Elsa smiled, "If she were here I would tell her how much I missed her and love her, and how stupid it was to go fight." 

"Why don't you tell me that now?" I said, stepping out of the shadows. Elsa whipped her head around so fast I thought she had whiplash. 

"Y/N!" Elsa stood up from the table and we ran into each other's arms. I stroked her hair gently and held her tightly.

"Your ship...it was supposed to come in a week!" she said, pulling back and gazing disbelievingly into my eyes. 

"You didn't really think I would miss your birthday and the baby's due date," I raised an eyebrow teasingly, and put my hand on her round belly. I handed her the gifts I bought her, but she said she only wanted me. 

"You're my favourite gift I received."

Elsa brought my head down to crash our lips together, every emotion that she had no words for being put into the kiss. 

"Uh guys, what about supper," Kristoff asked, motioning towards the food. 

"I'm hungry for something else," Elsa said, a glint in her eye that I knew so well. I laughed while Elsa dragged me from the dinning hall to her bedroom. I pushed her against the wall gently, knowing that being rough would hurt the baby. 

"Happy birthday."

My lips caressed her neck and lips, and we eventually moved to the bed, for a night that was filled with passion, tenderness, and love.

A year later

I woke up on a chair, my wife on my arm and my baby nestled on our laps. She was born three days after I came home and we named her Alaska. We don't know if she has the power to control ice and snow, but she certainly has a fondness for it. 

When my two girls woke up, we went outside for a snowball fight. Elsa of course had the advantage, but having spent five years with her, I know how to make snowballs pretty fast. 

"Look, you shape the snow into a ball and you throw it at mommy," I said, smoothing out the snowball and handing it to Alaska. 

"Mommy!" she giggled happily, and threw the snow. I expected it to land two feet in front of her, but it hit Elsa square in the face. She looked shocked, but then her signature smirk came on. 

"Oh, so little Alaska can throw a snowball. I am going to kick both of your asses," she said, and created a giant snowball. 

"Time to run," I said. The giant snowball crashed down on us before we had even taken three steps. I naturally shielded Alaska with my body, but she giggled as the snow fell around us. 

After a bit I decided to go inside to make some hot chocolate for the three of us, and when I went outside I saw Elsa and Alaska having a snowball fight again, but Elsa was obviously letting our daughter win. 

I stood against the doorway sipping hot chocolate, and marvelled at how my life has become so perfect. I grinned, set the mugs down, and joined my wife and daughter. 

A/N: Requests are closed for now, I'm sorry if you had an idea, I'm just really busy now and I don't have a lot of time to write. I'll still write the requests that people sent in, but after that I'm not taking requests. 

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