18. Seven Minutes In Heaven

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The music was blasting, the drinks were being poured, and I wanted to go home. Kristoff forced me, the most introverted person he knew, to go to a party his girlfriend was hosting. 

I suppose I can't blame him though. He had just started to date Anna, the most popular girl in school, and he's going to one of her famous parties. He's also an introvert, and I guess it wouldn't have been so bad with two introverts together, but he left me. 

Now I was alone, and trying not to get noticed while holding a disgusting cup of beer. I heard a bunch of people cheering, and I went to see what was going on. 

Kristoff and Anna were kissing - scratch that - making out on the couch with everyone cheering and clapping. By the looks of it they were playing spin the bottle. 

"Let's play seven minutes in heaven now," Kristoff said, and he sounded drunk, "Y/N! come sit down and play."

"No," I said, noticing that Elsa had entered the room, "I'm good."

"Come on," Kristoff slurred, he grabbed my arm and forced me to sit down next to him. I saw Anna telling Elsa to come join too. 

Elsa. The most stunning girl I have ever seen. She doesn't have a very bubbly personality like Anna does, but that doesn't affect her popularity. Boys are all over her, though she rejects them. Lots of gossip about that in school. She extremely smart, and we've worked together in chemistry. Too bad she probably doesn't know I exist. 

Her blues eyes met mine, and I held her gaze for a few seconds before looking away. 

"Spin it Y/N," Kristoff said loudly.

"No, I should really be getting home." Kristoff ignored my protests, and shoved the bottle into my hand. 

I sighed before giving the bottle a rough spin. It spun for a bit before landing on a girl in a blue dress. I swallowed and looked up into gorgeous blue eyes. 

I could feel the stares of jealous boys who would do anything to be in my place. 

"I-We don't have to," I stammered. 

"It's okay," Elsa said softly, holding out her hand, "I don't mind." 

I took her hand and she led me to a closet. I looked back and saw Anna and Kristoff smirking at us. 

Elsa closed the door and turned to me. 

"Hi," I said nervously.

"Hi," Elsa smiled. 

"You probably don't know me, but I'm-"

"Y/N," Elsa finished, "We've worked together in chemistry." Something flickered across her face when she said the last word, but I couldn't figure out what. 

"Yeah," I looked around, not wanting to meet the blonde's eye. 

"I'm glad I ended up with you instead of someone else," Elsa said. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Because I don't like parties. And if I participated in one game I could say that I did that and Anna wouldn't have to force to do anything else. Besides, all anyone wants to do is get in my pants," Elsa said, and I silently agreed. 

"I don't," I said quietly, but Elsa still heard me. 

"I know," she smiled, "But why are you here? You're really nice, but you don't seem like a party person either."

"Kristoff forced me too. Didn't want to go to one of Anna's parties alone," I said, and Elsa laughed. 

"Truth or dare," she asked softly.

"Haven't we been playing enough games," I joked, but her gaze told me she wanted me to answer, "Truth."

"Do you like anyone?" she asked. 


"Who?" she looked excited and curious.

"That's a separate question," I grinned, "Your turn. Truth or dare?"


"Who do you like?" 

Elsa seemed to think for a moment before she said, "Smart phrasing. The person I like is at this party."

"Who?" I asked without thinking. 

"That's a separate question," Elsa teased, and I groaned. I picked dare this time, and Elsa grinned. 

"I dare you to kiss me." 

"Wh-What?" I stared at her in shock. 

"I dare you to kiss me." Her blues eyes sparkled as she repeated what she said. 

I carefully stepped closer to her and leaned in, gently brushing my lips against hers. They were so soft and warm, and I could feel her kiss back. I pulled away quickly, but the arms around my waist prevented me from going too far away. 

"You call that a kiss?" Elsa asked with a teasing smile. 

"I-" I was cut off by Elsa pulling me closer and crashing her lips against mine in a proper kiss. A shy but happy smile formed on my lips while I hooked my arms around her neck. 

A wave of new-found confidence washed over me, and I broke away to kiss along her jaw. 

"Y/N," Elsa breathed. I hummed in reply, and kissed down to her neck, making a satisfyingly large hickey. My teeth grazed her neck before moving up to suck higher. Elsa let out a gasp as my lips lightly brushed behind her ear, and I grinned, Found it. 

I applied more pressure and roughly bit that spot, loving the sounds that were coming out of Elsa's mouth. 

"Alright, you two, time's up," Anna's teasing voice came from behind the door. I pulled away from Elsa, giving her a smile. 

She straightened her dress and moved her braid to hide the hickey before walking out of the closet. I followed her and internally cringed at all the horny looking boys sitting there wondering what we were doing. 

"We were brushing up on our chemistry," Elsa said, giving me a subtle smirk. I blushed and looked down. 

"In fact," Elsa continued, giving Anna a pointed look, "We're going to finish our chemistry work."

Elsa grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to her room. As soon as I closed the door, I felt her turn me around and my back slam against the door. I moaned as I felt her lips crash against mine, moving roughly. 

Elsa moved to my neck, smirking as she found my sweet spot. I moaned as she bit and sucked on it aggressively. 

She lifted the hem of my shirt and her fingers travelled up,  tracing the toned muscles of my stomach. 

She pulled away, giving me time to catch my breath. 

"Don't think we're done yet," Elsa smirked, moving closer again. 

I grinned, "Chemistry is starting to become my favourite subject."

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