The Petticoat (Part 2)

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Kaoru had insisted on taking the limo to the park. It was a fairly big park, And many people were already there, sitting on picnic blankets and chairs.

The stars were out, too. Had Kaoru and I talked for that long?

"So?" Kaoru's voice asked softly,

"Huh?" I blinked, lost in thought.

"Where should we sit?"

"Ugh..." I observed our options, "How about up there?" I pointed to the jungle gym. No one was around it.

The empty part was around the structure made of metal bars that were joined together for people to climb on. I didnt really know the proper name for it... Man, that's going to drive me crazy.

"Sure." He smiled to me, as we walked over and climbed to the top. We had a perfect view of a clear sky, that overlooked the beach area. Can't have a perfect park without a perfect beach, am I right?

I shivered, feeling a little cold, "Here." Kaoru said, handing me his petticoat. He slipped it  on to my shoulders, I smiled,

"Thanks, Kao." I smiled. It was 11: 30, so we had thirty minutes until 2015.

"Hey, Hannah? I have a serious question to ask you."

"Ok. What?" I blinked, my feet gently swaying freely. Kaoru took a deep breath,

"Why do you not like strawberries and being called kid?"

"Huh? Well there can be lots of reasons-" I hesitantly laughed,

"No. I mean, why don't you?"

"Oh." I took a shaky breathe. "Well, It's a long story." I shrugged. "Guess You should know."



"Hey, Kid. Whose my girl?" She laughed, ruffling my bangs.

"We can bake the cake now, right?"

"Of course, Honey." I smiled. Mom was so beautiful and kind. I wanted to be like that.

"We will back in two hours." Dad called, Haruhi nodded

"approximately TWO hours." she emphasized.

"Awww! Daddy's little girls!" Dad kissed my forehead and waved to Mommy. he grabbed Haruhi's hand and they both walked out the door to the store.

I turned to mommy, "Okay, so what do I need to do?" I asked, with a determined face,

"Well, we add eggs and water to this mix." Mom pointed to the pre-made cake mix.

"Yosh!" I pumped my fist. Mom laughed,

"Okay Kid."

When were finished mixing, Mom poured the mix into a pan and placed it into the oven.

"Now Kid," Mom grabbed my hand, I looked to as she bent down to eye level, "Since Haruhi doesn't have a good singing voice, it's up to you to take the scholarship that Lobelia Academy has offered, in exchange that you get to be an... idol, of sort."

"Huh?" I was only five, so I didn't get what she was saying,

"You just go to that school, and follow your heart. You have to be a good girl, ok?"

"Yes Ma'am!" I saluted her,

"There you go." I tapped my nose, "Now, how about something to put on the top of the cake?"

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