
"We came to see Lady Emiko! Lady Emiko, Sting and I have something for you."

Once Lector saw that Sting made no movement towards the woman, the maroon exceed snatched the book from Sting's hands and flew it over to Emi. He dropped the book in front of her and landed on the table. Emi stared at the book for a minute before giving the exceed a small and confused "thank you" before turning towards Sting.

"Thanks for the book. I'll make sure to look at it later."

"No, Lady Emiko! You have to look at it now! You'll remember us once you do."

"Lector, don't push her too much," Sting reminded the rather determined exceed.

"But Sting!"

Sting shushed Lector and looked around awkwardly. He looked at his idol, Natsu, before looking at Yukino one last time and holding his gaze at Emi. Emi noticed his stare and shifted uncomfortably in her seat next to Levy. The blond dragon slayer sighed before turning around to leave.

"Sorry for interrupting," he muttered before he slowly exited the inn.

Once the doors were closed, Emi looked down at the book the pair had delivered to her. She carefully opened the book, as the binding seemed to be falling apart. She quickly read the introduction and looked at the different pictures. Everyone watched the woman to see any reaction she might have from the visit, but she held none except for a focused look in her eyes as she read. She took in a sharp breath.

"Look! This book is all about dragons. Isn't that cool?" Emi questioned excitedly.

"You know," the teenager commented, "I don't think I've seen you this excited before."

"Just look at it!" Emi yelled as she shoved the book in his face.

Emi had started to explain all the pictures and dragged the man over to a nearby tree. She had made him sit very close to her as she gave him a quick summary of what she had read so far.

"You're forgetting one thing Em. I already know all this stuff."

"Oh yeah? Do you know what to do when a dragon gets sick? I don't think so."

The man laughed before asking why it would be relevant, seeing as the dragons had disappeared.

"Because," Emi said matter-of-factly, "dragon slayers behave the same way as dragons. So this also applies to when a dragon slayer gets sick. Now I know what to do!"

Emi looked around the inn to see everyone staring at her with concern.

"What's wrong? DId I bleed this time?" Emi joked to try to lighten the mood.

She looked down at the book again before standing up suddenly. All eyes were on her once again. She quickly brushed it off and said that she needed to get some air. She turned to Laxus and promised him that she would be back soon so that way he didn't worry. Once she made it out of the inn, she sprinted in the direction of the Sabertooth inn. She had successfully caught up to Sting and Lector.

"Wait!" Emi yelled as she struggled to catch her breath.

The pair turned around and looked at the woman in wonder before Lector started crying.

"Lady Emiko, I knew that book would bring it all back. I missed you so much."

Emi looked down as she said, "Um, actually I only really remember getting the book. I don't really remember anything else. Sorry."

Sting spoke up, "Why did you run after us like that then?"

"I don't remember you at all, but you know me. And I want to know myself."

The pair looked down before Sting said that she better get back to Fairy Tail before they start worrying. Emi looked towards the two of them, not knowing what to say to comfort them, and turned around to leave.

"I'm really sorry," she whispered to them as she walked away.

"Yeah," Sting mumbled. "Me too."


Emi quietly snuck into her shared room in the inn.

"I was starting to wonder where you went."

The woman looked at Laxus before telling him that she had gone to thank Sting and Lector for the book. Laxus hummed before motioning for her to get into bed. Emi's smile appeared on her face as she jumped into bed and buried herself in the blankets.

"At least let me have some of the blankets. You do this all the time, you hog."

Emi laughed before pulling the blankets further away from the lightning mage.

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