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Taehyung woke up slowly with warm hand from above running through his hair. He curled closer into the cosy embrace of the body beside him and a small smile graced his lips. It had been such a long time since he’d woken up in someone’s arms, and honestly, he had missed the feeling of it. The arm round his waist was rubbing gentle circles on his skin and Taehyung was just about to fall asleep again until a low voice spoke softly.

“Taehyung? Are you awake now?” Jeongguk asked, smiling down at the boy in his arms.Taehyung looked up at Jeongguk, slowly taking in his messy bed hair and shirtless torso, along with his kind smile. He looked a bit tired, as though he was up all night, but Taehyung didn’t question it. It wasn’t every day he woke up in Jeongguk’s bed, after all. Wait. Shit.

He was in Jeongguk’s bed.

Taehyung gasped and shot up from the bed.

“Oh my god.” He groaned in embarrassment, “I’m in your fucking bed! When the heck did that happen? I swear I was in a different room!”

Jeongguk looked at Taehyung quizzically.

“You came here last night; don’t you remember? You came in here and said it was too cold in the other room. Ring any bells?” He frowned.

“Oh dear god.” Taehyung cringed, “I’m so sorry! I do the dumbest things when I’m tired. I basically have no filter and I hug a LOT. I am sooo sorry Jeonggukie! Please don’t think I’m weird!” He tried to wiggle out of Jeongguk’s hold but the other male simply took his hand
off Taehyung’s waist and stroked his hair in a calming manner.

Jeongguk smiled, “It’s alright, Tae. It was nice. You're cute when you’re sleepy.”

“Oh. T-Thanks.” Tae squeaked. “W-What’s the time, Gukkie?”

Jeongguk rolled over and looked at his alarm clock.

“7:57am. Why?”

“Shit. I gotta drop Junnie off at school. It’s gonna be a pain to get there from here.” Taehyung mumbled to himself. “If we leave now, we cou-”

“What time does his school start?”

“10 o’clock. But I don’t actually know where we are so we’ll have to leave earlier.” Taehyung frowned.

“You know, m-maybe I could drop you two off.” Jeongguk mumbled, cheeks slightly pink.

Taehyung shook his head.

“I-I don’t wanna be a bother, Gukkie. Me and Junnie have already inconvenienced you a lot. It'd be too much to-”

“I want to.” Jeongguk said hastily, “I like spending time with you two. You're both adorable.”


“Oh shit I’m sorry. Was that a bit creepy? Ah shit I’m sorry Taehyung. I-”

“N-no it’s fine. It wasn’t creepy. It was s-sweet. Nobody’s ever called me cute before.” Taehyung smiled shyly. “I guess we should get up now. We have to get Junnie to school.” He said, slipping out of Jeongguk’s embrace and getting out of bed.

“Aww Taehyung come back! You were so warm!” Jeongguk pouted, making dramatic grabby hands at Taehyung who giggled as he made his way to the door.

“I could get used to this.” Jeongguk muttered with a smile as he got up and followed behind Taehyung.

They entered Yeonjun’s room and cooed at the sight of Yeonjun, who was still fast asleep. He was spread out on his back like a starfish and a had a tight grip on the pillow next to him.

Sweet Romance || Taekook Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat