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Also, I'm very indecisive so I keep changing what each character behaves like. Literally in the beginning I forgot that Jeongguk was supposed to be a workaholic and I accidentally made him all free willed and whimsical lmaoo. With that in mind, I'd like you guys to look back at the character chapter to see any personality changes that I made. I might change them again but if I do (lmao stan GOT7) then I'll say in the beginning of the chapters to go look back at the characters. Sorry I'm so unorganised!

-Love BB ❤


Taehyung was sitting in the front seat of Bogum's car and stared out the window. His face was blank and his mind was busy, millions of complicated thoughts swirling round his head.

He was just so conflicted; he loved his son dearly and would always put him first, but being a single parent was hard. Taehyung just wanted to fall in love and have someone he trusted by his side to help Yeonjun through life.

He sighed.

It wasn't like he was unhappy being single, but days like these only served as a reminder to him, of how much easier it'd be with someone to help. His son was really a handful at times.

The car was silent, except for the occasional clicking of the indicator and Yeonjun sniffling in his carseat.

"Daddy." Whispered Yeonjun. The poor boy was still crying and hiccupped as he tried to talk to his father.

"Appa." He tried again, but Taehyung didn't hear him.

"Yeonjun not now; Taehyung isn't very happy with you." Bogum said, eyes flickering to the sad boy in the mirror.

"Appa." The kid tried again, fat, shiny tears rolling down his cheeks as he sobbed in defeat, thinking his daddy didn't love him anymore.

Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Yeonjun crying.

"Junnie?" He called, twisting in his seat to see his son. "Junnie baby, are you okay?" He asked softly.

"Daddy!" He bawled, overwhelmed with sadness.

"Aww Junnie baby, it's alright. Yeah? Don't cry. We're almost at home and then you can tell me what's wrong, okay?" Taehyung soothed.

Yeonjun nodded and rubbed his eyes with fists, willing the tears to go away. "Okay." He sniffed.

"You're too soft with him." Bogum commented, "he was being naughty before and now you're babying him again. Tae, you need to learn how to be more strict."

"Yeah, I know Gummie. It's just that I want him to figure out right from wrong, by himself." He sighed.

"M'not so sure if it's gonna work out very well, Tae. You should start setting more rules for him." Bogum said as he parked the car on the side. He unbuckled his seatbelt, before opening his door and walking round to get the shopping from the back.

Taehyung got out and unlocked his shop, then turned round to get Yeonjun from the car. The boy was still upset and pouted as he was put down, but he still took the bag of marshmallows that Taehyung put in his arms, and carried it into the shop.

When everything was unpacked, they all made their way upstairs and into the living room.

"I'll make you some tea, Tae." The other man said, getting up and going to the kitchen.

Yeonjun sat on Taehyung's lap with his head bowed, brown curls flopping sadly into his face.

"D'you have anything to say to me Junnie?" Taehyung asked. The little boy nodded and sniffed.

"M'sowwy I was bad Daddy." He cried, wiping his nose furiously. "I was mean to daddy. I'm sowwy." Tears were running down his face, and though Taehyung felt bad, he didn't wipe them away.

"You shouldn't be greedy, Junnie. You had water but you wanted juice. And you knew Daddy was sad, too. Was that very nice?" Tae asked.

Yeonjun shook his head and raised his eyes to meet his father's. "S'not nice. Mean!" He sniffled, leaning into Taehyung's touch when he rubbed reassuring circles on his back.

"I don't want you doing it again, Junnie or I'll have to take BunBun away, and you won't see him for a long time. Are we clear? I need you to work with me, not against me, understood?"

Yeonjun hummed in agreement and pressed his face into Taehyung's chest  hugging him back with full force.

"You know you have to say sorry to Uncle Bo, right? You caused him lots of trouble."

"O-okay." Yeonjun sniffed.

"Good boy." Taehyung smiled.

Yeonjun got off his lap and went to his room.

Bogum entered the room again and handed Tae his cup of tea. Taehyung didn't even like tea; he preferred hot chocolate and Taehyung knew that Bogum knew that, but the other man always said that he needed to grow up.

"Thanks Bo."

"I still think that you should give him a punishment other than making him eat peas." Bogum said, perching himself next to Taehyung on the sofa.

"S'fine, Bo." Tae dismissed, wanting to change the subject. "Anyways, Jinnie is coming over later today. Do you wanna stay over and hang out?"

Bogum look at him, face slightly irritated. "You know how I feel about your friends, Taehyung. Far too immature and childlike. Why can you go out for a nice dinner instead of making desserts? What a waste of time."

Taehyung kept quiet and didn't say anything about how making desserts was literally his job.

"Well, you're welcome to come by if you want to!"

"I don't think I can, Tae. I've got a meeting with a potential buyer. It's that horrible JJC company again."

Taehyung laughed softly, "The one with the ugly CEO?"

"Bingo." Bogum laughed.

The two of them continued to talk about Bogum's life until a little pat on Bogum's knee interrupted them.

"U-uncle Bo?" Yeonjun mumbled. "M'sowwy I was a meanie."

Bogum sighed.

"It's alright, Yeonjun, but next time there should be a punishment for your irrational behaviour. You may go back to your room."

"Gummie!" Taehyung gasped, slapping his leg and scooping up his son. "It's alright Yeonjunnie. Uncle Bo is just being a meanie as well."

"Peas?" Yeonjun asked.

The two men laughed and Taehyung set him down on the floor, letting him run back to his room.

"Another thing, Taehyung. Isn't it time that you get Yeonjun to stop calling me Uncle? Considering we may be husbands in the near future, I think it's fitting that he stops that habit now." Bogum said plainly.

"B-Bogummie hyung, y-you can't just say things like... I-I never even said I like you like that, hyung."

Bogum sighed.

"We've been over this, Taehyung. I am interested in you, so surely that is enough. Romanic interest can bloom overtime. Yeonjun needs another parental figure, and I'm sure you would also like some company other than your son."


Bogum stood up and answered his phone. "Yeah okay." He spoke, walking out and getting his coat. He came back in and pressed a kiss on Taehyung's head.

"We'll be together soon, Taehyungie, it's only a matter of time. I've got to go for that meeting now, but I'll call you. Goodbye." Bogum smiled and left the apartment, leaving Taehyung sitting on the couch, dumbfounded.

I've been doing absolutely nothing so far in this quarantine, yet somehow I managed to forget I'm supposed to be writing 3 books loooool. Sorry it's kind of messy but it izzzzzz wat it izzzzzz.

I'm so excited for this concert thingy🥳🥳

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