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Hey hoes I'm sorry but please go read the character pages because I added Hobi in again. This is so chaotic I'm sorry 😂💚💚


"H-honey?" Taehyung stammered.

"Yeah, it gives me loads of rashes and makes it hard to breathe. But it could be worse, I guess." Jeongguk shrugged.

Taehyung smiled knowingly.

"Yeonjunnie is basically a mini version of you, then."

"What do you mean?"

"Well he's also allergic to honey too. Has exactly the same symptoms as you; what are the odds!" Taehyung said.

Jeongguk smiled, "I hope he gets better soon."

Taehyung looked down and patted Yeonjun's head sofly.

"I hope so too. I can't stand seeing him in pain. M'gonna have to keep him off school tomorrow which is a pain, because that means I'll have to take him to work with me tomorrow." Taehyung sighed, shooting a smile at the receptionist and taking the bag of medication she gave.

Suddenly, Taehyung's phone rang, startling him and causing Yeonjun to wake up. The poor boy began crying again, skin still burning and mouth still aching, and Taehyung cursed softly under his breath. His hands were completely full and he didn't know what to do. It was his work phone ringing which meant he couldn't even ignore the call for Yeonjun.

Almost instinctively, Jeongguk reached out and carefully took Yeonjun out of Tae's hands, smiling as the blonde shot him a grateful look. Taehyung walked off to take his phone call, and Yeonjun began to cry even harder.

"D-daddy!" He cried, reaching a hand out in the direction Taehyung went.

Jeongguk held the boy closer and began rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"It's alright, Yeonjun. He's coming back, okay? Daddy hasn't left you." He cooed, rocking side to side to calm him down.

"Do your arms hurt? Do they feel bad?"

The toddler nodded frantically, tears rolling down his face.

"Hot!" He cried "M'hot!"

Jeongguk smiled knowingly and wiped Yeonjun's tears. He walked towards the bathroom and opened the door. He took some tissue and stood in front of the taps.

"Inside here, is some magic that will stop you feeling hot." He whispered to the kid.

"R-reawy?" Yeonjun sniffed.

"Yeah. There's a magic potion in here that will help you feel better, but it only works if you stop crying. Can you do that for me, Yeonjun? Be a big boy and not cry? I bet your Daddy will be REALLY proud of you and how brave you've been. Yeah?" Jeongguk bargained.

Yeonjun nodded his head, curly brown locks flopping around. Jeongguk smiled, wetting the tissue under the cold tap. He pressed it on Yeonjun's little arms and smiled warmly at the child.

"Better?" He asked, laughing softly at Yeonjun's frantic nod.

"T-thank you mr." He smiled, cuddling into Jeongguk's embrace.

"S'alright. You can call me mr Gukkie, okay?"

"O-okay mr Gukkie!" Yeonjun smiled. "Y-you can call me Junnie! A-are we fwiends now?"

"Yeah, Junnie. We can be friends!" Jeongguk smiled, ruffling his hair and turning to leave the bathroom.

"You can be Daddy's fwiend too!" Yeonjun grinned.

"I'd like that, Junnie."

"I'd like that a lot."


They left the room and were met with a stressed out looking Taehyung, who smiled at them weakly.

"Appa! Appa!" Yeonjun called, trying to wiggle out of Jeongguk's grasp. "Mr Gukkie gave me a magic potion! Look!" He said, proudly displaying the damp tissue on his arm.

"Wow, Junnie! Isn't that cool." Taehyung replied half heartedly. Jeongguk could tell he was feeling stressed, and felt sympathy for the small male.

Gently, he set Yeonjun down on the ground, watching as he ran towards his father. It warmed his heart, watching as Yeonjun's little hand slipped into Taehyung's larger hands.

"Are you alright, Taehyung?" Jeongguk asked.

Taehyung seemed lost in thought, his mind on important matters.

"Mhm, yeah. Just something at work. You know, orders and stuff. I've got a high end event to do tomorrow and I'm shi - er I mean peeing myself coz I know I can't take Yeonjun to that." He sighed, running a hand through his blonde locks.

Yeonjun laughed happily, "Appa said pee!"

"I'd offer to take him, but I've also got an event tomorrow." Jeongguk smiled sadly.

"It doesn't matter anyways. I wouldn't want to bother you even more with this little troublemaker over here." Taehyung smiled. "You've done more than enough, helping me with Junnie."

At the mention of his name, the child stopped playing with the "magic tissue" and looked up. He grinned, clueless about the conversation.

Taehyung's phone rang again.


"Taehyung, is everything alright? It's been a long time and you and Junnie are still in there. Is it really serious?"

"Ah shit, Jin, I completely forgot. Everything's fine."

"Well anyways, I don't want to rush you, coz it's my fault we're here in the first place, but Namjoon called and said that the deserts are done, but you gotta come back and ice them if you want them to set by tomorrow. I thi-"

"Shoot! Oh god, I totally forgot about that! Ugh, Jinnie I'll be there in a minute!" Taehyung said, hanging up the call.

"Jeongguk m'so sorry but I've got a lot to do for tomorrow's event. I gotta go now. C'mon Yeonjun, lets go!" He said, taking his sons hand and beginning to speed walk out the room.

"See ya Jeongguk!" He smiled over his shoulder, eyes sparkling above his boxy smile.

"Bye bye mr gukkie!" Yeonjun waved.

Jeongguk smiled fondly as he watched the two leave the room.

They're both as cute as each other he thought, swinging his blazer onto his shoulder and beginning to leave as well.


This chapter is pointless and very shitty but it izzz what it izzzz. I'm gonna end it here so that I can have as many chapters in the book as possible. I'm aiming for like 20 minimum because I like reading stories with stuff like 40 chapters so I thought I'd try and deliver something that I'd enjoy reading. As always, this shit is unedited but do we expect anything less from me? No 😂😂

What do you think of Jeongguk's relationship with Yeonjun so far?


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