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Hello all!

This us the first piece I've written since I officially got back into writing!!! 🥳🥳

I'm probably a bit rusty so sorry if this chapter doesn't have the same vibes as the others. I'll work hard to develop my skills and not disappoint you guys again!


“I’m so nervous.” Taehyung said to Namjoon as he leaned against the worktop. It was 1 week since Tae and Guk had had the talk, and Namjoon had agreed to babysit Yeonjun while Tae went on his date, and it was helpful because Jun was best friends with Namjoon’s daughter, Soyoung. The two children were off playing in the living room, while the two adults were conversing in the kitchen. Namjoon, over his mug of coffee, spoke up.

“I’m sure it’ll go great, Tae. Now that you two have somewhat spoken things out, there will be a lot less tension between you two and now you can focus on growing your relationship.” He said wisely.

“But what if he thinks I’m boring? Or decides he doesn’t like me anymore?” Tae panicked.

“Tae, just the very fact that he wanted to patch your relationship up, is telling enough about how he feels about you.”

“Thanks, Joo-”

“You are boring though. Very much so.” Namjoon said cheekily.

“Ha ha ha Joon. Very funny.” Tae said sarcastically, scowling at him playfully.

“But seriously, you’ll be fine. As cliché as it sounds, just go there and be yourself. Do what you think is natural and what’s right. Move at a pace comfortable for both of you and you’ll be a-o-k.”

“I think I just fell in love with you even more.” Namjoon’s wife Mirae laughed as she walked into the kitchen.

“I wish I gave advice half as good as he does.” Taehyung agreed, greeting her with a genuine smile.

Mirae and Namjoon had had Soyoung at a young age, but they made it work, and just like their child did, their love for each other grew and grew each and every day. With all of his heart, Taehyung was happy for them.

“He’s got such a way with words.” She beamed, slyly stealing the cup from her husband’s hands and pecking him on his smiling lips.

She took a sip.

“And with the coffee machine too.” She said as Taehyung and Namjoon laughed. She opened her mouth to say something else, but then Soyoung beat her to it, running into the kitchen and yelling in excitement.

“Mummy! Mummy! Daddy! Come look!!” Soyoung exclaimed.

“Inside voices please, Soyoung.” Mirae reminded.

“DADDY! COME LOOK!” Yeonjun yelled even louder than Soyoung, running into the kitchen and tugging Tae’s hand frantically.

“You’re a menace, Junnie.” Taehyung sighed. “You know you’re not supposed to yell indoors.”

“But uncle Tae, you HAVE to come see!” Soyoung said. “It’s really really cool!”

“Alright, I’m coming.” Tae said warmly.

“Mummy, Daddy, you too!” Soyoung demanded.

“What’s the magic word?” Namjoon reminded.

“Abracadabra!” Yeonjun said confidently.

“It’s please, Jun.” Soyoung said, “You’re an idiot.”

“Youngie don’t call people names; it’s rude.” Mirae said firmly. “Apologise.”

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