Chapter 9: Discovering Part 2

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Emma Pov:

I have to talk to Jax I need to know what is wrong? Daniel and Andi both text me "where are u??" I text back "gone to see my dad meet in the canteen in 14 minutes. Andi texts back "cool" but Daniel texts "do u want to come I don't mind." I text back "no please it is fine will meet you later on." "Ok love u" "Me to." He keeps saying I love you I do love him but he keeps saying it. I look at Jax and we go to science block where no one goes. We go to the room at the corner, "so what is it about?" Jax smiles and mumbles something than suddenly a blue mist appears out if his finger. There appear a toffee apple, OMG he is a witch. "You are a witch." "No am not a witch but a wizard you females are called witches and males are called wizards." "So you are a wizard and you think am a witch which am not." Jax laughs when I say that and saids "I know you are witch you were talking to this Hex." Have he been stalking me, I was about to say something when he said "so you, me and Daniel have magic we can rule the school." I laugh "Daniel isn't a wizard and there is a other girl who used to be a witch until her powers were gone her name is Maddie Ven Pelt." "What the head panther used to be a witch," I just nod. "Show what you can do Emma." I sigh and say "am craving a chocolate smoothie bring one to me." A pink mist appears out of my finger and there appears a chocolate smoothie. Jax laughs and takes my smoothie, "nice touch so Daniel is a human." "Yeah he is but he doesn't know I have my powers back I haven't told him because he might dump me." Jax just looks at me and saids "you need to tell because he loves you and deserves to know the truth but I won't tell him." I smile at Jax and I hug him tightly, I wanted to kiss him on the cheek but if I can't stop kissing him. I walk away from him and text Andi "coming now see u soon."

Jax Pov:

Daniel is a human, what?? Emma haven't even told Daniel her so called boyfriend and love of her life the truth. I don't normally break up a happy couple but they may be a couple, they are far from happy. I like Emma a lot I mean she told me the truth about having her powers. I think am in love with Emma Alosono.

Daniel Pov:

Am waiting for Emma in the canteen with Andi and Diego. Where is she? Am getting anxious now why is talking to her dad? Am shaking nervously, "hi Andi, Diego and Danny," saids Emma. She have the biggest smile on her face, she called me Danny. I love when she calls me Danny it sounds flirtatious and sexy. She comes and kisses me on the cheek, sis now next to me. "So what were you talking to your dad about?" I asked. "I was just seeing how his first day if being principal was," she said. "I went to your dad's office but he wasn't in his room," I said. "We just finished talking and went to his car to get his wallet for his lunch." Diego and Andi both smile and nod but am not convinced she is lying to me. SNAP OUT OF IT DANIEL! You are trust Emma because you love her. Lunch finished and the next lesson was science. The rest of the day went so quickly, "bye Daniel see you later on," Emma saids. I am about to kiss on her cheek when she kisses me on the lips, we don't normally kiss like this. Emma is hiding something and am going to find out what.

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