Chapter 39: Time to say Goodbye

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Jax Pov:
I can't deal with this pain of Emma. Every time I see her it just reminds me of all the heart ache she caused. I need some time alone. I arrive at my house and I start packing. I have already told my aunt and uncle that am going. I have decided to go back to Australia and see my family. My little sister Amy and my estranged father as well. He wanted me to use Emma as she was the chosen one but instead I fell for her. Every time I was with her I felt complete, she loved and I loved her. I need to move on from Emma. She doesn't love she thought she did but it was always Daniel. I thought I could capture her heart but her heart was already captured by Daniel Miller. I look at the picture of me and her, me and her smiling from ear to ear. She made me so happy but I realise your love wasn't true. I was her second choice she didn't want me as she only wanted me to make Daniel jealous. I look at the picture I feel my blood boiling. I throw it against the wall. The glass of the frame shattered into tiny little pieces just like my heart have. I break down into tears, I poured my heart and soul into my relationship with Emma. She ripped my heart out and three in the trash. Tears pour down my face, I feel so weak, useless and a wimp. I sigh, I need to forgot about Emma. I need get or make a memory swipe spell this will swipe my memories and feelings of Emma. I was going to use on Emma so she forgot about Daniel but I didn't. I loved her and I hate to admit she was happy with Daniel. I have that spell in a bottle, I look at it. I sigh and have to say goodbye to her. I take out a paper and pen, I write your my feelings in this letter. As I finish this letter I stick the picture of her and me in there. I put in a envelope, a tiny little tear falls from my cheek. I finish packing and I transport to Emma's bedroom. I can hear downstairs, her and Daniel laughing. I sigh at this, they sound so happy. I slowly and quietly put the envelope on her bed side. I transport back home and take one look at my home. I sigh again and pick up my suitcase and drive away towards to airport in the sunset.

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