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*alarm clock sound*
I guess it's 5:30 am. I know, it's really early, but Adrian and I decided to go watch the sunrise together. He's gonna be here at 6 am and I have to be ready. I took a shower before bed, but I had to wake myself up now, so yeah, it's shower time again. I put my hair in a bun and jumped under the running water. I was sleepy, but the thoughts about Jack and Tiffany couldn't leave me alone. I know I can't have him back, but I also feel like that makes me want him even more. You know, it's the girl logic, I don't care who wants me, I want the one I can't have. I should stop thinking about him. He makes me sad. I don't wanna be like that. I just want to be the happiest girl alive. I want us to be happy together. But you know what? He doesn't want the same. Jack only cares about his own happiness. Why do I think so? Because he wouldn't start the things with Tiffany if he wanted us both to be happy. He doesn't care about me, I shouldn't care about him either. The only thing I should do is make myself happy. And you know who makes me happy? Yes, you guessed right, it's Adrian. I should focus on him now. Yes, maybe I won't see him ever again, but he'll help me push the sadness Jack made me feel away. I stopped the water and wrapped my bathrobe around my body. I looked at the mirror and smiled, I know exactly what to do with Adrian. I put yellow plaid print two-piece swimsuit on, jean shorts and a large tie dye T-shirt that covered my shorts above the swimsuit. I brushed my hair and looked at the time. 5:55. I put my phone in my back pocket and headed outside. I took my black and white adidas slide sandals as shoes. I got a text from him and left the house afterwards.

"Kimmy!" "Hey Adriekins!" We hugged each other and then I closed the car door behind me. We relaxed with music on as he drove his cabriolet to the beach. When we got there, he pulled a beach blanket out of the car and we sat on it. The Sky was already getting pretty. A little wind came. I wasn't cold, but goosebumps appeared on my body. "Are you cold?" He asked me. "No, I'm no-" "Shut up, I know you are," he pulled me into a side hug. We were quietly watching the sunrise. I felt comfortable, safe, and most importantly happy. "Kimmy?" "Yeah?" "Ugh, nothing." "What's up?" I looked at him. "Nothing, forget about this." I was looking at him in the eyes and he was doing the same. The eye contact was strong, passionate, and long. I saw how he looked at my lips and then my eyes again. People look at what they want, he wants my lips. I want his lips too. What should I do? Kiss him! But is this right? Forget about everything else, that's what's supposed to happen now. I saw how he looked at my lips again, but I didn't think and kissed him now. Adrian put his hands on my waist to pull me closer. I got on my knees and wrapped my arms around his neck. That was the right thing to do for sure. I don't care about anyone else. I'm the happiest I can be at this moment. We stopped kissing after a while. The eye contact began again. We just stared at each other's eyes. I felt a smile pop on my face. He glanced too after he saw my smile. Adrian pressed one more soft kiss on my lips and then my forehead. I turned around and rested my body on his as he was still sitting. We were quiet. Wait a minute, what do you actually say after you kiss somebody? I guess nothing. Or maybe you should continue with the conversation. But what if there wasn't a conversation before? Whatever. I should stop thinking and enjoy the moment.


It's Thursday today. I'm currently in my bed and I don't want to get out of here. All I've been doing since the horrible night is just eating, sleeping, crying, watching Netflix, and school. I haven't even talked to my parents much either. They probably know something's going on, but I haven't officially told them about Alex. My mom tries to talk to me every morning when she brings me breakfast, but I can hardly talk about anything with anyone. Someone's knocking on my door, it's probably her. Yep, it is. "Good morning sweetheart, I'm here with the breakfast." "Thank you," I looked at her with no expression on my face. She placed the breakfast on my nightstand. None of us said anything else. Well, she did say something before she left. "Brookie, why don't you smile anymore?" I sighed. "It's hard to explain. I don't even know if you'll understand this. I promise I'm gonna get better, but I just need the time." "Alright, when you're ready. But I think I know what can help you." I looked her with a confused expression. "Apollo, come here!" A white Labrador Retriever ran to me and jumped on my bed. "That's you aunt's new dog. He's 5 months old and as you could tell his name is Apollo. Your aunt is going to, I think, Cuba, so he'll be with us for some time. He loves long walks and cuddling." I looked at him, he looked at me, we stared at each other for some time, then he jumped and started licking my face. "I knew you'd love him. Have fun sweetie!" She closed the door. Apollo was still licking my face. I pushed him off me and he stuck his tongue out a bit. I patted his head and started eating my breakfast. "Oh stop, don't look at me like that, you had the opportunity to eat your own breakfast, it's my turn now." He continued looking at me with his sad puppy eyes. "I said stop." He started lowering his head and ears. "That's not gonna work on me buddy." He got off my bed and went to one of the corners of my room. He had this evil expression and didn't stop looking at me eating. "Okay fine, just please stop killing me with those eyes." He immediately got up, came and smiled. I finally gave him some food. The things are gonna work out here. I did some assignments and cleaned my room a little bit. It's lunchtime now and I think I have to walk Apollo.

"You wanna go for a walk buddy?" He got excited, mainly because of the way I said that. I can't remember the last time I walked a dog, but it's going to be fine, it can't be hard. I prepared myself for the walk and then went downstairs. I got his leash and put shoes on. "Mom, dad, me and Apollo are going for a walk." "Okay sweetie. By the way, Apollo can walk without a leash, but take it, just in case." "I already took it, mom. Bye!" "Have fun!" I closed the door behind me. Apollo was kinda leading me and walking faster, so I took the leash off him. It was all good until one moment. Apollo stopped, then turned at me, then started running forward. I ran after him, but as you know, a human can't be as fast as a dog. "Apollo! Come back here!" I was almost out of energy. The last thing I saw was how he turned right. I stopped running, but continued walking fast and looking after him. I turned right on the same street he did. Guess what, I didn't see him. I don't know what to do now. There was a bench. I sat on it, because I just couldn't walk anymore. I put my elbows on my knees and rested my head in my hands. What do I do now? How's my mom going to react? What do we tell my aunt? "I'm sorry about Apollo, your niece is just dumb and she can't even take care of a dog," I tried to imitate my mom's voice in my head. Nope, even that didn't help. I'm still worried about this. I sat on that bench for some time, trying to figure out what to do now.

"Hello?" I looked up. The sun was shining in my eyes, so I couldn't see much, but I could tell this was a guy. "Hello? Can I help you?" "Well, I was wondering if this is your-" He moved to the side. First I saw a black Labrador Retriever, but then he moved more and there he was. "Apollo!" I sat on the ground and started hugging him. "Oh my gosh, you scared me to death." The boy chuckled. I realized that I'm sitting on the ground in front of a stranger. I immediately got up and cleaned the dust off. "I-I don't even know what to say. Thank you! You just saved my ass." "No problem," he smirked. I could finally see him. He was good looking. Brown eyes, auburn hair, freckles, he was also super tall and with stick legs. Nothing special, but he was cute. "Oh, and sorry for sitting on the ground. I promise I don't do that often," I laughed. "Yeah, it's okay, I get you." We stared at each other's eyes. "I'm Brooke by the way." "I'm Noah." We shook hands. "How did you find Apollo?" "Well, he found me. Me and Bailey were walking around when she saw Apollo running to us. He came to us and I caught him, because I heard you calling somebody. I looked at his collar and saw you were looking for him. Yeah, then I started searching for you and here we are now." "Thank god he found you and not a bad person," I hugged him. I feel some kind of connection between us. Like I've seen him or known him before. "How come I've never seen you or Bailey here before?" "We're kinda new in the city. My family moved here in November." "So we're neighbors now," I amused. "Yay! Can you give me your phone number or any kind of social media? We can walk the dogs together, ya know." "Sure! Just, Apollo isn't actually mine, he's my aunt's and I'm only taking care of him now." "Whatever, I'll need company for the walks with Bailey anyway." I smiled as I was typing my number in his phone. "See ya this evening?" "Yep," he replied. We then separated to go home. I know the walk wasn't that long, but too many things happened for such a short period of time.

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