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I rubbed my eyes and opened them. I was not in my bed. I was laying on the couch, my head was on Peter's chest and I guess we slept here. When I looked at my phone it showed 7:43 am. I tried to get up and not to wake Peter, but it didn't work. He looked at me with an angry face and let out a loud groan. I went upstairs to go to the bathroom and take a shower. When I took a shower, I put a hoodie, sweatpants and a towel on my head and went down to see my brother doing something on the kitchen counter. There wasn't any smoke, no mess, just good looking waffles. "Did you do that alone, bro?" I asked him. "Ugh, yeah? Why are you so surprised?" He questioned with a confused face. "Nothing, just the fact that every time you go near the kitchen it looks like a bomb exploded there," I messed with him. "Ha-ha, so funny. Now go eat while they're still good." He told me with а fake laugh at the beginning. After we were done, I washed the dishes and then did my school work. I was doing online school, because it wasn't that simple when my dad is a famous hockey player. Either everyone was making fun of me or I couldn't have real friends. I'm much happier now, when I'm studying from home.

After I was done, I decided to call Connor. We were talking for a while when he asked me "Hey Kimmy, why was this hockey kid commenting on your picture?" After that I explained him the whole situation. We talked for more than 1 hour, but then he had to go, so he ended the call. He wasn't 100% OK with the fact that I like Jack, because the last time I was dating a hockey player it didn't end well. The first month of our relationship was the best month of my life, but then he started to ask about my dad more and more. Then I found out he was with me only because he wanted my dad to help him get to the NHL. This boy used to treat me like shit and when I tried to break up with him, he said that he'll tell my secrets to the whole school. The first person I told about this was Brooke. Three days after that, I found out my now ex boyfriend is in hospital. When I went to see him, he told me that my brother and someone else beat him up. When he told me that, I knew exactly who was with my brother. I broke up with him in the hospital and finally felt free again. After I got out of the hospital, I called Connor and wanted to meet him. We agreed on an exact hour and a place, then I called my brother and told him the hour and place. When I went there I saw them. Connor had a broken arm and scratches all over his face. Peter's knuckles were red, his left eye was in blue and purplish colors and his eyebrow was stitched. I immediately hugged them. After that, I burst into tears. Yeah, I wasn't happy about what happened to them, and I don't think that's the right way to solve a problem, but these were tears of joy. I was finally happy, and all thanks to them. I didn't know where would I be now, if they didn't beat his ass up. Connor was really like my other bigger brother. When we were younger, my dad used to do hockey camps and that's where I met Connor. When we became friends, he was at our house the whole summer and my dad was giving him some private trainings too. My whole family just loves him.

Suddenly, I heard my phone ring and it got me out of my thoughts. It was Brooke. "Hey Kimmy, do you know there's a new amusement park?" "Really? I didn't know. Send me the location please." I ended the call and Brooke sent it to me. I texted Jack, told him about the amusement park and asked him if they have time today. He said that not today, but tomorrow they have practice that ends at 10 am and then nothing, so we can go to the amusement park. He responded really fast tho. I looked at the time and realized it's 3 pm already and I haven't even had lunch. I went to the kitchen and ate an apple, because I didn't want to eat much when I was about to have dinner in a few hours. "Wait a minute. Where's Peter?" I thought. I went upstairs, knocked on his door, but there was no answer. I opened the door and he wasn't there. Then I searched the house and I didn't find him. I called him. "Hey dickhead, where are you?" I asked. "Umm, I'm at the JW Marriott," he replied nervously. "Peter? Are you with the boys?" "Yes." He reacted, sounding like a five year old that just saw a ghost and pooped its pants. "Ok, but why are you so nervous? And why didn't you tell me you're going somewhere?" "Well, they called me and when I asked them if I should take you too they said no" "Ok, I'm happy you told me where you are, have fun," I ended the call. I wasn't mad, but I couldn't stop thinking about why they did that.


My sister ended the call. I'm scared she's mad at me. "Hey Pete? Is Kim mad at us?" Quinn interrupted my thoughts. "I don't know. She didn't sound angry, but I think she is mad at us." I said to him. "I hope not," Alex added. We talked a bit more and then Cole asked me. "Kim told us what your reaction was when she told you she'll hang out with us. Why would you be so surprised that she'll go out with us when your dad is THE Felix Badger?" And then I answered the question, "Well, it's because she has something like a 'hockey player luck'. Yeah, it sounds weird, but let me explain it to you. Most of Kim's friends play hockey. For example, she did figure skating for like 10 years. The whole time she was good friends with the hockey team that played on that rink, but the only friend from her figure skating team was Brooke. And even before she started doing online school, she dated a hockey player and it didn't end well, but that's not the point. Basically, her whole life she was surrounded by hockey players. And I was surprised she bumped her car into a car full of really good hockey players." "Oh, I thought you were really our fan," Trevor pouted with sad puppy dog eyes. "Wait, I'm not saying I don't like you," I told them. "And what about you Pete? Do you have 'hockey player luck'?" Quinn lifted his right eyebrow at the second part. "Ha-ha, I don't. Like, I know some NHL players, but that's it," I replied while laughing. "Do you play hockey Pete?" Jack, who was quiet for a long time now finally asked me something. "I used to, but I was always the smaller kid and I was injured most of the time. That didn't stop me, but one time I got a really bad ankle injury and I couldn't play. Now I do it just for fun. We talked for about 40 minutes more and then we decided to play some video games. I don't know how long we played, but when we finished playing the boys went to dinner. All of them except Jack. He said that he'll go later because now he wanted to talk to me in private. "Ok, so what do you want to talk about, Jack?" I asked him. "I want to talk about Kimberly." "What about her?" I was kinda confused. "I wanted to-" "I know, you want to ask me if she has a boyfriend and if she likes you," I interrupted him, "the answer is no, she hasn't had a boyfriend since the last time when it didn't end well. And about the second thing... I don't know," I added and yes, I lied, but I want her to tell him first, not me. I got a text from Kimberly that said "where r u???". "Well, it was nice talking to you, but Kim wants me home, I guess, so I have to go. Byeee." I announced and then left.

When I got home, I found Kim laying on the couch. She was watching Riverdale. "Hey sis, why are you watching it without me?" "You were hanging out with my friends, so I didn't have other choice." She didn't even look at me. "Okay, I understand, you are mad at me." "No, Peter, I'm not mad at you. It's just... Will you be happy if I leave the house and when you call me, because you want to know what has happened to me, I tell you I'm with your friends?" She's not mad. She's sad. It's even worse. I went to her, hugged her tight and asked. "Listen, I know it was dumb, I can't fix the past, but I can do something to make you feel better. How does pizza sound to you?" After the last sentence she smiled. I saved my ass this time. We ordered pizza and watched Riverdale together. She even agreed to rewatch the episode she was watching without me. Someone rang on the door. "It's the pizza. Go get it bro" "But how did they get through the gate?" I asked her. "Don't think too much, just go get it." I went to open the door. When I opened it, I was surprised. There were mom and dad. I kinda forgot they existed this weekend. "Hey buddy," my dad greeted me. "Hi mom, hi dad. Wait, why didn't you call? And why did you ring when you have the keys?" I was confused. "We forgot to charge our phones and when we got there we saw the pizza guy, paid him and wanted to make a surprise," our mom explained. "Wait, so where's the pizza?" My dad turned around and gave it to me. "Peter? Is everything alright? Why is it taking you so long?" I heard my sister shouting. "Wait a sec, I'm coming" I shouted back at her. Then mom and dad came inside and said hi to Kim as I was getting the plates. Our parents were tired, so they took a shower and went to bed. We watched two more episodes of Riverdale and then decided to go to bed too. I took a shower and when I went to say "Goodnight" to Kim she was already asleep. She was smiling. At least she's not sad anymore.


My brother just got in the shower, so I decided to text Jack and agree on what hour and place we'll meet tomorrow. We decided to meet at 3:30 pm in front of the amusement park. I texted Brooke the time and place. My eyes are so tired that I can't keep them open and I think I'm gonna fall asleep before saying "goodnight" to Peter.

It all started with an "oops" ||  Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now