~24~ *PART ONE*

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Me and Peter are in his car on the way to the party. I'm wearing grey hoodie, denim jacket, black ripped jeans and my AF1's. It's nothing much, but I didn't want everyone to look at me, I already have a loving boyfriend, why would I want to look good for anyone else? Oh, and I also drew winged eyeliner on my eyes. "Sis, did they tell you where's the nearest parking lot, because I have to leave the car somewhere." "Nope. Wait a second, I'll call them." "Hey G, just a quick question. Is there a parking lot near your house? And if yes, where?" "Yeah, you should drive around a hospital just before you'll have to turn right. You can leave it on the university hospital parking lot or there's also in front of St. Mary's Hall." "Okay, thank you. See ya." "Okay bro, you'll see two parking lots before you turn right, you should park there." "Alright. It'd be nice if you texted Brooke and the boys too, because that's kinda useful information." "Yeah, I was just thinking about this." I texted them, they didn't reply, but they saw it. The car ride with Peter was long, but not boring. We talked, listened to music, talked again and just chilled the whole time. When we arrived, he parked the car and we waited for the others. "Hey bro, what's up? You don't look like you're in a party mood." "I'm not, but it's ok, I'm here to take care of you, not to party." "But I want you to have fun doing it." "Don't worry, I'll find a way to enjoy it." "Okay, I'll believe you." We listened to music as we waited for the others. Suddenly, someone knocked on my window. It was Brooke. I jumped off the car and hugged her. "Yay, you have winged eyeliner too, we're twinning!" She exclaimed. "Yeah, but I'm kinda basic though." "Don't worry, I was thinking about taking a hoodie too." She had rose ashes colored mom jeans with a really high waist, white T-shirt with a square print that she put in the jeans, converse high tops, the winged eyeliner and brownish red matte lipstick on. "Alex texted me like 5 minutes ago, they can be here any minute!" "Who can be here any minute?" A male voice came up. It was Alex. "You ready for party?" "Yeah baby!" The whole squad cheered. We headed to Gabrielle's house, her and Scarlett waited for us in the front yard. "Hey Sky, hey G, this is my brother Peter, and this is the rest of the boys. Jack is my boyfriend I told you about, you already know Trevor, this is Brooke's boyfriend Alex, the short, but cute guy is Cole, and that's the only normal person in our squad - Quinn." I pointed at each of them when I announced their names. "Nice to meet you! You already know, but I'm Scarlett and that's my best friend Gabrielle." "Okay, you know us and we know you, let's get inside, I need to show you the house." We stepped inside. They already had a lot of people inside, but the house was big, so this wasn't a bit of a problem. "G, show them around, I need to go somewhere." "Okay, so there's a bathroom on this floor and three more upstairs. The one on this floor is right there," she pointed at the bathroom, "and the other are connected with bedrooms. You can go everywhere, but please don't break anything. Not that I think you would, but I wanna make sure. Okay, when you go straight forward, you'll reach a glass door, it's the door between our living room and the garden. I think that's all, have fun!" We thanked her and then she disappeared. Jack keeps looking at his phone. He's probably texting someone. No Kimberly, he's not texting other girls, stop overthinking. He wanted to go to the garden with Trevor. I'm not letting him go off my sight, so I'm going to the garden with them.

Jack was looking at his phone every few minutes when I wasn't looking at him. It's like he doesn't want me to see what he's doing. I'm starting to think he's really texting another girl. I usually don't mind, but now he's with me and I can see he's hiding it from me, that's the bad part. I don't want to quarrel when Trevor is around, so I have to wait. "Guys, I'm kinda thirsty, I think I'm gonna grab a drink, do you want something?" Yes! Trevor is going to leave me and Jack in our quiet corner and I'll be able to talk to him. "Nah, I'm good. Want something Kim?" Huh? He's never called me "Kim", I've always been "Kimmy" for him. I'm 100% right that something's wrong with him. "Nah, I'm good too." "Okay, call me if you change your mind." When he left, I went to Jack and rested my head on his shoulder. He gave me a side hug with his right arm. Suddenly, he got a notification again. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pretended to think that I got the notification. He just looked at his phone, but didn't reply. "Who is it?" "It's nothing." "Yeah? And "nothing" has been texting you the past two days?" "Don't be childish, I told you it's nothing." "I'm not being childish, I just wanna know who the hell is texting you that much," I pulled away from him. "There's nothing you should worry about." "There's nothing I should worry about? Jack, you've been texting with someone every time I look away for the past two days. You've never called me "Kim" before. Does it sound like nothing to you?" "Guys, guys, take it easy," Trevor was back, but we kinda ignored him. "Yes, it's nothing." "Prove it!" He unlocked his phone and showed his messages to me. "Really Jack?" "What? There's literally nothing" "Nothing? I can see you've been chatting with the girl that Brooke sent you for Trevor." "Brooke sent him a girl for whom?" Oops, I think I made the things worse. "Kim had the idea to find you a girlfriend, so Brooke find a girl and me and the girl started texting. At first it was just about you, but then we started talking about other everyday things. She's actually pretty cool." "Why Jack? I understand that girls do these type of things, but why you? I thought you were above these things." "I hate seeing you lonely, it makes me feel guilty and I wanted you to feel good too." "You know what? Just leave me alone, I don't need you or a stupid girlfriend to be happy." He left. I really feel bad for him, but I have to continue with Jack. The conversation was getting more and more intense. I was super, super angry already, but we continued. "You see what your stupid idea did?" "My stupid idea? You were the one who agreed." "I agreed, because you were my girlfriend, I had to." "I WAS your girlfriend?" "You still are. C'mon Kimberly, don't criticize everything I say." "I criticize everything you say? You know what Jack? You were right, I WAS your girlfriend!" I looked him in the eyes as I stated this. The look on his face immediately changed. I could see how his eyes became more shiny. Mine were tearing up too, so I left. "Kimmy wait, you know I wasn't thinking when I said this." I didn't turn around. Thank god my eyeliner was waterproof. I ran to one of the bathrooms on the second floor. I sat in the corner and just cried my eyes out. Suddenly, I heard someone coming. It was a girl. I tried to recognize her, but my vision was too blurry for that. "Hey, don't cry, it's going to be alright. I'm going to try to help you." "Hey, thank you, but I don't think you can help me." "I'll try to, now tell me, what happened to you?" I explained her everything, she brought me cold water and tissues. She listened to me the whole time. It really helped, not gonna lie.

It all started with an "oops" ||  Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now