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It's Friday today. The time is 9:38 am. I'm currently getting ready for the day. I woke up to a good morning text from Jack. Basically, I've been thinking about him since I woke up. The text he sent me was sent really early, so they probably have a practice. I'll go have breakfast and then I'll do my school. My mom and Peter were having breakfast. "Where's dad? He never sleeps late," I asked. "Your dad went to work." "Work? He's been spending a lot of time in his hockey room lately." "He is not in the hockey room." "Where is he then? Pete, why are you quiet? Do you know something mom doesn't know or isn't telling me?" "Nope, I just heard how he left." "I don't know anything either. He just told me he's going to work and when I asked what work there was no response." Well that's weird. I hope he's not doing bad stuff. My mom and Peter were talking about other things before I came, so they continued it after mom's words. I sat with them and joined the conversation.


"Come here guys, I want you to meet someone. So this is Felix Badger. He's my old friend. We were talking a few days ago and when he found out I'm coaching you, he asked to come and see how you play. I think it's going to be good if he leads your on-ice practice today. So yeah, Felix, Do you want to say something?" "Yes, thank you John. So guys, I don't want you to be scared of me or stuff like that, there's nothing you have to worry about. Just take this as a normal practice you have to get through today. Ok?" They all said "ok" in one voice. It's going to be a fun day.

*a few moments later*

"Move faster Zegras! I've never seen a slower skater before!" "Felix, I don't want to interfere your coaching, but Zegras is one of our top players." "I know, and I also know he can do more. You know, the harder the practice, the better the player." "Yeah, you're right." "Oh come on Zegras, you could pass the puck." I heard John speaking under his breath, "Trevor is going to sleep well if he doesn't have nightmares about today." "Amazing shot, Caufield!" "Not bad, but could be better, Jack!" "Awful pass, Zegras." I continued shouting what came to my mind the whole time. At the end of the practice, I had a little speech. "Good job guys. You're a great team, the best team the NTDP has had the past few years. All of you are super, super talented boys, but I can also see you work really hard. You all deserve the place in this team. Oh, and when I say all of you work hard, I mean all of you except Zegras. Yes, you're talented, but you have to work harder if you wanna get to the NHL. Now it's just not enough, you don't give 100% of yourself. Anyway, it was a nice day today, enjoy the rest of it. Goodbye!" They all said "goodbye Felix" in one voice.


"Brooke, can you come downstairs? I want to talk to you." I heard my dad shouting. I'm wondering what he has to tell me. "Come and sit here." "What do you wanna talk about, dad?" "I wanna talk about yesterday." "What about yesterday?" "I want to discuss the boyfriend part." "If you want to tell me that I can't have a boyfriend, there's no need for me and you talking. I won't break up with Alex, even if you're forcing me to." He ignored what I just said. "I don't think that you having a boyfriend is the best decision right now. Especially this boy." "Why not him? You've seen him once, you can't dislike him. Why can't I have a boyfriend? I'm not a little girl anymore.  For once in my damn life I decided to tell you I have a boyfriend, because for once in my life I feel like I really love him. Do you know how much preparation it took me to tell you that? It's not up to you anymore. I just want to be happy, I think you want me to be happy too. And if you force me to leave one of the few people that make me really happy, I'm not going to be okay. Do you really think I should not have a boyfriend?" "You may love him, but how do you know he loves you too? What if he is just like everyone else and wants to have sex with you?" "Alex is not like everyone else." "How do you know that?" "Because nobody has ever been so nice to me. I can feel how much he loves me just by the way he looks at me. You just know when a person loves you, and I know that he's the first one who really loves me." "You can't be 100% sure." "I can. You know what dad? I don't want to listen to you anymore. You don't know him, or anything about me. Stop trying to rule my life, I can do that better than you." I left after the last sentence. I want to get out of this house. It'd be good if I call Kim. But no, she's doing her school. Alex and the other boys are at practice. What should I do? Maybe Peter is a good idea. He's a great listener. Yeah, I'm calling him. "Hey Pete, what are you doing?" "Nothing much." "Great! Let's go to Starbucks, I wanna share a problem with someone." "Okay. The usual place?" "Yup. See ya," I ended the call. I took my most important things and headed to my car. I texted my mom where I'm going, because she was talking to my dad and I don't wanna see him now.

It all started with an "oops" ||  Jack HughesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora