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I'm still on the 'not a date' with Jack. We're having a good time, but not the best time. Jack is not the same as before. He is keeping a constant distance between us and doesn't talk much. Don't get me wrong, we have normal conversations, but they aren't filled with the same emotion as before. Now I'm thinking if I should ask him what's wrong. If there was a problem he'd have told me. What if their coach told them not to hang out with us or something like that? No, this can't be true, stop overthinking Kimberly. Maybe I should just wait till the right moment where I can ask him what's wrong comes. I almost forgot. I have to "shoot my shot" as soon as possible. But now it's not the right moment, because he's either mad or upset. Chill out Kim, don't think of so much things at once, your head is going to explode. I stopped thinking of these things and continued my normal conversation with Jack. After around 10 minutes of talking there was a silence. It for sure was longer than 4 seconds, so it's an awkward silence. That was the moment I was supposed to talk to him. How should I start? I have to start with who he is acting so differently. Now or never!

"Hey Jack, can I ask you something?" We stopped walking. "Yeah, go ahead." "What is it with you today? You're different. Is something bothering you?" "No, really? I don't think I'm different." "You are. I'm not having a bad time, but you're more quiet and distanced today. I know something's up, what is it?" "You really wanna know, huh?" "I do, because I care." "Okay. I'm gonna start with the day I met you. I got mad at first, but then you started talking. Your voice and your cute face automatically made me smile. The same day we were snapping until 1 am, I already knew I felt something for you at this point. Then we started hanging out almost every day, I hadn't been happier. My friends started noticing I'm changing too, especially Trevor. At one point, my feelings got super strong, that jealousy started doing things. I almost lost my best friend, because of my feelings for you. What I'm trying to say is, I love you Kimberly Badger. I'm in love with your smile, voice, laugh, eyes, I'm in love with you." I stared at him with my eyes wide open and a smile. "W-What?" He asked and I realized I have to answer. "N-Nothing. I-I am just amazed. I-I feel the same for you. A lot of times I couldn't fall asleep, because I thought of you. How you made the reality better than my dreams. You're everything I have ever wanted, and even more. I fall for you more and more every day. Every time we cuddle I fall asleep, because I feel safe when I'm with you. Just, I love you too." He smiled. "Can I kiss you?" Omg, I've been waiting for this question since the day we met. "You better kiss me. I'll go crazy if you don't." Ladies and gentlemen, it happened. The moment I've been dreaming of. It was the most passionate kiss ever. It lasted long. I felt how my heart was beating super, super fast. After the kiss, we slowly moved back from each other. There was a really strong and passionate eye contact between us. We were quiet for about 10 seconds and then he spoke. "I feel like now it's the right time to pop the question. So, Kimberly Badger, will you be my girlfriend?" "I would love to be your girlfriend!" He smiled. I've never seen a smile filled with so much emotion. I leaned to him and kissed him one more time.

After this tornado of emotions that happened in the past 15 minutes, we continued walking like nothing happened. But with a change this time, his arm was around my waist and everything was normal - THANK GOD. "Jack, can I ask you one more thing?" "Yeah?" "I thought about this all day. Hope it doesn't sound rude or something like that. Why this isn't a date?" "Oh, it is, just not officially. Let me explain. When we were on our first date, we almost kissed. Almost, because you had the rule that you don't kiss on first dates. I didn't want you to have some more rules that have something to do with dates, so I just asked you out." "Wow, I only can say one thing about this. Well played." He laughed. "Oh, and sorry about earlier today, but I told myself that today was the day and I was nervous. Like, super nervous." "No problem, I get it. And one more thing. Don't tell the guys yet, I have a special idea." "What is it?" "Well, I've been planning it for a bit longer. We'll sit somewhere, for example our house. And we're both going to post a picture of us kissing or just a couple goals picture and write something like "surprise!" Under it." "That's good, I like it." We had a really good time afterwards. He dropped me home and we had a goodbye kiss. I can finally kiss him whenever I want! Now, let's just hope my family won't ask me about what happened.

I opened the door and got in. No one came. "Hello? Is someone home?" No answer. I went to the kitchen and saw a note on the breakfast bar. "Mom, dad and I are going shopping. If you're hungry there should be something left in the fridge. Luv ya!" Yeah, everything makes sense now. I made it to my room and called Connor. "Hey Kimmy, I already know why you're calling. Tell me everything!" "So, I got in his car and he seemed fine, but when we started talking I felt like he's not the same. We were at the National Mall. It wasn't bad, just different. I was trying to build the courage to ask him what's wrong and to tell him how I feel. I asked him what's wrong first. He was trying to tell me that nothing's wrong at first, but then he finally told me. I was amazed. He told he had feelings for me since the day we met and that he loves me. I told him that I love him too. He then asked to kiss me. I agreed, of course. We had a long kiss. It was the most passionate I've ever had. And after the kiss, he asked me the important question. If I would be his girlfriend. I don't know how I didn't start screaming. I just said yes and we kissed one more time. After these few important minutes we continued talking like nothing happened. I asked him why it wasn't a date. He said he remembers how I didn't kiss him on our first date, so this wasn't officially a date. And yeah, he was different, because he was nervous. So basically, I have a boyfriend." He stared at me. "What? Are you mad?" "N-No just, I didn't expect that. It happened so fast and I need time to perceive the situation. Yeah, so you're trying to tell me you and Jack are an official thing now, huh?" "That's exactly what I'm telling you." "Okay, keep me posted. I want to know how this relationship is going, ok?" "Okay Mr. Overprotective Connor." "Shut up." We laughed.


I got to the hotel. I feel like I can't stop smiling. The girl of my dreams is finally mine. I wanna tell the whole world, but I know she'll get mad. At least the boys should be somewhere outside. I entered the room and saw Trevor. "What are you doing here dude? Shouldn't you be with the boys?" "I didn't want to go." "Why?" "Because I want to hear how it went with you and Kim. And I want the more detailed version." "Okay, but let's sit." We sat on the couch we had in our room facing each other. I started talking. "The whole day I was super nervous and thinking if I really should ask her or not. I decided not to ask her, but as you know, you changed my mind. The whole time I was driving to her house the music in the car was off. I thought the situation would be better after she comes, but no, it wasn't. My heart was racing and my mind was filled with millions of thoughts and possibilities. We went for a walk. At one point, she told me I was different and asked me if I had some kind of a problem in my life or anything . I didn't know what to say, so I just said It was nothing. She was sure something's up, so I had to tell her the truth. I told her how much I love her. Explained how I felt from the beginning. I also told her about our fight, don't worry, not the secret part, just that I got jealous and almost lost you." "And what did she say?" "She said she loves me back. And then we kissed." "Really? H-How did it feel?" "It felt like we were frozen in a moment in time. It was like I could feel and hear her heart beating. There's nothing in the world that can make me feel the way I feel when she kisses me." "Damn, you're really in love with her. There's no going back. But yeah, continue." "After the kiss, I popped the girlfriend question. She's mine now, officially mine." "Really? I'm so happy for you guys!" "Thank you, but don't tell the others please, she wants to make it in a more special way." "Don't worry, I'll keep your secret."

It all started with an "oops" ||  Jack HughesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum