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"Kimmy. Hey, Kimmy, wake up." Yes, I fell asleep on Jack. He's trying to wake me up now. "Wait a minute, don't tell me it's the next day." They laughed. "No Kim, it's 6:30 pm," Brooke laughed, "and your brother called. He asked where you are and why you are not answering his calls. I told him you're with me and we're leaving. So yeah, we should go now." I groaned, buried my face into Jack's neck and got on top of him. "So you're challenging me, huh?" He asked a rhetorical question and got up. I was still on him. Well, not on him, but he was holding me. "Okay, you win, Jackieboy." I got my things and me and Brooke headed to the door. "Do you know how to get out of here, girls? Or should I go with you?" Alex asked. "Well, we don't wanna get lost," Brooke giggled. "I'm coming with you too," Jack announced. Yes! Bonus time with him. They came with us to my car. Alex gave Brooke a goodbye kiss and me and Jack watched them. "Oh, I almost forgot," I started, "thank you for today. And thank you for the Instagram story." I placed a kiss on his cheek. Well, it was on his jawline, but it was supposed to be on his cheek. He hugged my waist and spoke with his raspy sleepy voice, "for you every time." Me and Brooke got in the car.

I wanted to turn on the radio, but she stopped me. "No music, at least not before we talk about you and Jack. Tell me everything. Even if there are parts I don't wanna know." "What exactly do you want to talk about?" "For example, how you've been cuddling for the past few days. Or how you give each other kisses." "I only gave him a cheek kiss now." "Yeah? So you're trying to say he didn't kiss your forehead a few hours ago?" "Wait what? When? I don't remember this." "When you were cuddling." "I don't remember." "But you smiled... Wait, I know what happened. You were asleep." "Oh my god, so you're telling me Jack Hughes kissed my forehead while we were cuddling after he did the super cute Instagram story thing?" "Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying." "I'm literally living in my dream." "Yeah, I could tell. You slept with a big, big smile on your face. I don't know how your face muscles don't hurt right now." "Oh, Brooke, I have to tell you one more thing. When you were somewhere, I had a really interesting talk with Trevor. Yes, about Jack. He told me Jack is in love with me. When I tell you these things you'll be sure too. His exact words were: 'Every time you guys are texting, his smile is so big and pure. Every times he looks at you, his eyes are shining. He can't fall asleep, because he can't stop thinking of you. If you could hear how he talks about you when you're not together, damn. He's in love with you'." "Kimberly Badger. Do you realize what's really happening to you? You and the boy of your dreams love each other! And by that I mean the REAL love. The one that feels like everything you've ever lost comes back to you. And you can't think properly, because you feel every emotion at once, and your nights are all sleepless, because of the thought of them. And when only that one person can make you smile like that." She was smiling. "Brookie, were you thinking 'bout Alex right now." "Maybe. Why?" "Because you have "that smile" on your face." She blushed. "Don't be shy. I've seen you in every way possible. But the Brooke in love is one of my favorites." She smiled and then we talked.

I got to my house. "I'm home," I shouted and heard someone coming. It was my dad. "Hey honey, how are you?" "I'm fine. It's a lot better now." I smiled. "I know it'll sound weird, because I'm your dad and dads don't often say things like this, but I love that boy." I laughed. We got inside and my mom and brother looked at me like someone died. "What's up? Why are you looking at me like that? Did something bad happen?" "Sis, I saw the picture on your insta. I also saw the comments under it. Me and mom were scared, because we knew you're somewhere and dad didn't talk to us." "In my defense, I didn't talk to them, because I knew you'd be angry if I told them, but I wanted to tell this to them so bad. So the perfect solution was not to talk to them." "Anyway, Kim, please tell me and your brother next time. Yeah, tell your dad too, but I think it'll be better if both of your parents know something is going on, ok?" "Ok, mom." "Now sis, come here." He was laying on our couch. I went and sat next to him. Peter pulled me and I laid. He placed me in a position where I was laying next to him, he was hugging me, and I was kinda on my side turned to him. "You're the best and mostly overprotective brother." "Aw, and you'd be the best, best sister if you were telling me when you have a problem. No offense, but you're just the best sister right now." "I'm sorry I'll sound sentimental, but I have to tell this. I remember one time, when you were around the age of 5. You were arguing all day and you were telling your mom how you're never going to love each other. The next day I woke up and saw you cuddling the same way on our couch with the TV on." Me and Peter laughed at my dad's words. Peter spoke, "I think I remember this. I waited until you were asleep and went to Kim's room to tell her I'm sorry. I found her sitting next to her bed. When I asked her why, she said she felt guilty. We decided to watch a movie and forgive each other. We were awake until like 2 am." "I always wondered how you got there. Well, you do everything that comes to your mind. Just like your dad does." We laughed, talked, and watched a movie.

It all started with an "oops" ||  Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now