She warmly smiled at Anna who greeted her with a wide smile.

"Mrs. Dominico! What a surprise!" Anna exclaimed happily.

The woman seemed to be in her mid 50's and I was going to guess that was Vince's mother.

"Didn't Vince tell you that I would be dropping by?" She asked her as she shook hands with her. Her warm voice was thick with an Italian accent. Anna shook her head no.

"Typical of him." The woman rolled her eyes and then turned to face my aproaching figure. Her eyes traveled over my attire. I was completely under dressed in my plain t-shirt and trousers as compared to her loose white blouse tucked into her nude pencil skirt and nude stilettos. She topped off her formal attire with the razzle dazzle of gold jewelry that showed she was from the upper class with an expensive white handbag hanging from her arm.

"Umm... Hi." I smiled awkwardly, my fingers playing with eachother.

"Hello." She greeted me with a tight smile. "I didn't know Vincenzo had a woman over... at this hour." She spoke as she turned towards Anna who chuckled waving her hand.

"This is Rosamaria Castro. She's been living with Mr. Dominico since the past week to complete her training." Anna told her and the woman's eyes lit as she whipped her head towards me.

"Oh so you're Rosamaria!" She exclaimed with a wide welcoming smile. "I've heard so much about you! Especially this morning when news came that you beat up a certain Jessica." She raised her eyebrow at me.

I chucked nervously, scratching the back of my neck. "Well, you know... sometimes you just lose your control and-"

"Don't need to be nervous and act like you didn't something wrong. I've always hated that woman!" She laughed and I laughed with her.

"Bring us some tea, Anna." She said as she led me towards the living area that was adjacent to the dining table. I sat down opposite to her. She walked with such grace that it was mesmerizing.

"Are you Vince's mother?" I asked her.

"Mother?" She let out a hearty laugh, tilting her head back slightly with a hand lightly pressed against her chest. "I'm his grandmother. His father's mother. You can call me Marsilia." She explained and my face morphed into one of complete shock.

There was no way she was a grandmother.

"I'm sorry. It's just you look so young!" I exclaimed. "You have to tell me your secret."

"The secret is shopping and treating men like a luxury, not a necessity." She revealed. "Put up with too much of their crap and you'll start aging a year every month."

If that's not reason enough to keep away from Vince then I don't know what is.

"You would know best." I chuckled.

"I hope he's been making you feel welcomed into his home." She said, her delicate hands resting gracefully on her lap.

Anna brought a tray of tea which she placed on the table for us before retiring back to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"He can't really do much. I mean, he's barely around. I have the house to myself most of the day." I told her as she sipped on her tea.

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