Jungkook laughed, "Please don't do that. She would know it was me,"

"But it wouldn't be you," Hana said squishing his cheeks, "It would be me,"

"Honestly, she isn't worth it but I'm kinda hurt to see her move on so quickly," 

"I know how that feels," Hana said hugging him, "Don't worry. I've got your back,"

"You always have," Jungkook said, "Need another drink? I could do with a strong one,"

Hana held Jungkook's hand and dragged him to the bar. She spotted Gina at the bar being touched up by some guy and she felt Jungkook tighten his grip on her hand. Hana smirked and pulled him to the bar. She bashed into Gina and ordered some shots and drinks for them both.

"You did that on purpose," Jungkook said to Hana, "You know she is going to turn around and start something,"

"I started it," Hana shrugged, "And I will finish it,"


Jungkook ran his tongue over his teeth, "Gina. What a surprise,"

"Do you wanna tell your new bitch to apologise to me?"

Hana turned around, "Did you want to tell your new bitch to stop checking me out?"

Gina went red in the face with anger, "Why would he want to check you out? You look like some hoe. No class at all,"

"Oh, sweety," Hana smiled, "My vagina isn't on show and my nipples aren't fighting to stay in my bra,"

"You fucking-"

"Wait," The guy said, "Kim Hana?"

"Who wants to know?" Hana asked.

"I'm Siwon,"

"I don't...wait. As in Im Siwon?"

"Yes!" He said, moving Gina out of the way, "I can't tell you how excited I am to see you again. It's been years since I have seen you. You look amazing,"

"Wow. You...you have really grown up. Holy shit," Hana said hugging him, "Look at you! How are your parents?"

"Dad had a heart attack 2 years ago and mum has retired. She says the stress is too much especially with everything going on. Dad can't work anymore so she is his carer,"

"That's awful," Hana said, "Send my love to them and say that I miss them,"

Siwon smiled, "I will. Hey, um, sorry about Gina. She's...you know, hates other women,"

"Or because Jungkook is the ex,"

"Ah," Siwon said, "Um, I didn't know. I'm sorry,"

"Don't say sorry to those dick heads," Gina snapped, "That bitch was the reason-"

"Oh shut up," Hana said, "You should only open your mouth when you are sucking dick!"

Gina gasped, "You bitch! Take Jungkook. He was a waste of time and I'm glad I left his sorry ass,"

Hana stepped into Gina, their noses almost touching, "You should watch what you say around me, sweetheart. Really careful. If you say anything bad about Jungkook again, you and I will have more problems. And trust me, that is something you do not want,"

Gina stepped back and tried to open her mouth but Hana put her finger against her lips, shaking her head.

"If you were smart, which I doubt you are but use the last brain cell in that head of yours and leave. Probably, you should leave Siwon as well because he is a sweet guy that doesn't need to be disrespected by you. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to have a great time with your ex. Might get drunk, make out a little and see how it goes. You don't have a problem with that, do you?"

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