16•First Day in my Husband's House

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In Honor of Yusraaaw Leemarh_bulama atin38 and fatimababaji

Jiddah's POV

  The rays of light penetrating through the window sent me signals that it's morning already. I woke up with a slight headache and then remembered I was in my husband's house, which bride doze off on her wedding night, ya Salam, Jiddah!.

   I continued from where I stopped last night, Yes, admiring the room, so this is my room!, Mine. "Hey beautiful" he called standing by the door. "Good morning" I said curious.

   "Morning" he chuckled, "Seemed you enjoyed sleeping on the comfy bed" he said and I managed to smile. "Well, that aside, my friends will be here in thirty minutes,dress up fast, okay?" He sent a dashing smile.
   I've not seen his mother yet and his friends introducing his friend, maybe later then. His Father was at our wedding Fatiha but the mother couldn't make it to the village.

       "Nafisa will come help you with the dressing, when things settle down she'll also put some fashion sense into you" he concluded and left. I felt insulted, fashion sense?.

  Few minutes later, a maid came in with tray. "Ma, here is your food" she dropped it. "Should I make the tea for you?" She asked. "Yes please" I answered. She looked at me surprised and then resumed what she was doing. "What is it?" I asked.

   "You know, I..I..I mean we thought you don't speak English" she said. "Ohh" I said, cause I'm a village girl right?.

      She served me the tea and a triangle bread, which I assume is the toasted bread I saw in our home economics text book. After that I entered the toilet, eased myself and preformed ablution, today I missed Fajr prayer.

    I was praying when a woman came inside and sat on one of the chairs, after saying my Salam, I turned to look at her. "Ohh Sorry for coming In without permission" she smiled. "No, it's okay" I smiled back.

    "So my Name is Nafisa and I'm your husband's friend, I'm here to.." she stopped. "Ohh are you the stylist?" I asked and she gave me that same look the maid did.  "Y..Yes" she chuckled.

   We started with the bathroom, she showed me something called body wash and then a few other things. "Take your bath I'll be waiting outside" she said.

   The bath was so cool so relaxing, but how can my mind be at rest when my Baby is not close to me, I will try and reach them later.


    "We are done!" She chuckled. I looked at my reflection, I was shocked, is this really me?. I looked at the mirror then Nafisa and then back to my reflection. Yes the Eyes look like mine but definitely this is not me!.

   "Stop doubting, you're the one" she laughed. "Thanks" I said shyly. "You're welcome dear, you are naturally beautiful, we just made it more obvious" she tapped my shoulder. "I'll get going" she said. "Okay bye thanks" I chuckled.

   I stood up and started jumping in joy,I look like a princess wollah, Just that the gown is too tight and is showing all my curves and shape.

  "Wow, you look beautiful Girl" he clapped his hands. "Thank you" I chuckled. "My wife looks beautiful" he laughed. "C'mon give me you hand" he moved closer and took my hand in his. "Let's go they are waiting downstairs" he said.

   "Okay let me get my Hijab" I said looking at the outfit. "Hijab?, do you think you're in the village?" He laughed, he took it as a joke but I, I didn't like it.

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