4•Secret Concealed

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Third Person's POV

She woke up at the first cock crow, said her short Du'a and disembarked to the Makewaye (toilet) to wash up and perform ablution. After praying and resting a bit, she stood up to go began her chores. She first washed Inna and Jummai's cloth and sprayed them to dry.

She released the goat and went inside to wake Jummai up."Jummai!" She tapped her back, "What?" She yelled, "It's past prayer time" she said, "In ke ke amsar sallar in nayi anjima Kar ki karba"(If you're the acceptor of the prayer, when I pray later don't accept it)" she hissed and continued sleeping.

Jiddah sighed and went back to her mat to sleep a little before she goes to the well to fetch water. A thought came up to her mind making her smile and sob at the same time.

She remembers the day Baba embarked on his journey to the city.
"Baba Kar ka Dade a can Dan Allah"(Baba please don't take long over there) Jiddah pouted.

"Insha Allah Yar Baba, just a month and I'll be back, take care of your Mother okay, as you can see she'll soon bring you a sibling" he said. "Okay Baba I will" She sobbed, she doesn't want him to go, she has no reason to stop him, but deep down her mind wasn't at ease with her Baba traveling.

He's a peasant farmer that harvest he's crops and sell them within the village, but has now decided to start selling them in the city, "It'll fetch more profit Insha Allah" she heard him say to her Mama.

"Allah ya Miki Albarka Yata, Take car of your mother okay" he touched her head. "Insha Allah Babana, don't forget about my present" she grinned. "I wouldn't, Bye" he hugged he's daughter who was already sobbing, he also bid Fatima, he's wife and went out to meet he's traveling mates. They never knew that was the last time they'll see him alive.

"Fatima" her mother called, "Do you know why your Father is doing all this?" She asked her little daughter, "A'a Mama" she answered innocently.

"It's because he wants you to live a comfortable life, he wants you and your siblings to attend school and become something in the future, always pray to Allah to protect him, kinji ko Jiddah na?" The mother enquired. "Eh Mama" Jiddah smiled.

"Use this N100 to buy Awara for us, I'm not feeling so well, my I can't cook"
"Yayy" Jiddah was glad, she loves Awara so much.

She wiped the tears in her eyes and stood up to gocarry the Big can she she uses in fetching water and headed to the well which is about 10 minutes far from their home. She has to go 16rounds to fill the big drum in the compound.

It's past 10 and she's done with her chores just sitting outside and thinking of how to get her result, they said a parent has to sign before it is giving to them, and she knows better than too inform any of the both.

"Jiddah!!" That was so unlike her Uncle to shout her name in such a manner, "Na...Na...am" she stammered wondering what she's done wrong. "Jiddah!" He yelled coming into the house.

"Ni Zaki mayar Dan iska"(Am I the one you turned into a fool) that was he's first speech. Not only Jiddah, the entire house hold were confused.

"Answer me my friend?!" He slapped her, "E .ey..I Ni..bn.." she was confused and frightened.

"Maigida calm down please, what is it?" The wife tried to cajole him, she wanted to know the offence of Jiddah so she can join in scolding her.

"That her Aunty sent a later, she said she's coming next week" he said, The Wife sighed, she knows how much her husband hates Jiddah's maternal aunty,the woman will always emphasis on Jiddah's inheritance, saying her parents left enough Gado for her, the only thing left in Jiddah's inheritance is her father's farm which her husband is using.

They sold other things including the House she lived in with her parents, but each time the woman asks he tells her everything is kept for Jiddah till she reaches 19.

"Ohh That Witch.What about her?" she asked hand akimbo. "You know we agreed on her taking this wrath to makrantan kwana(boarding school) for her Senior school, she sent a later saying she would come take her along with her school fees" he talked furiously eying Jiddah.

Jiddah was happy to hear that, you could easily detect that from her eyes though her face still looks red from the slap he gave her. "Is it about the money?, You can just tell her you don't have and as for the Exams she didn't write say she was sick" Inna shrugged. Jiddah's heart tumbled at the mention of that.

'Should I tell them I wrote the exam?' she questioned herself. 'You dare not!' the other side of her mind disagreed.

"Dadina dake marka gaggawa,let me land Please"

"Do you know that this girl actually wrote the exam!" He kicked Jiddah with his leg.

She closed her eyes waiting for another kick,she knew she was in for it, so Habibu actually told Kawu, she sobbed.

"So you disobeyed me and went ahead to write the exam ko?" He shouted, "And you Marka, why did you let her go outside, I asked you not to let her go outside of this house, didn't I?" He interrogated he's wife.

"Ehm..Ah..I..how did you know?.." she scratched the back of her neck, she doesn't want her husband to know about the Alale (Moimoi) selling.

"I went to the school to ask if she could write her exam but they said it isn't possible and non of the Js3 Student missed his/her exam, here is her result" he fumed.

"Baba let me tell you how it happened?" Habibu smirked looking at Jiddah, she pleaded with him using her eyes but he didn't consider her.

He told him all that he knew not forgetting to include The NYSC Teacher's part. "Jiddah!, Jiddah!" He yelled her name.

"So kike ki jawo mun abun kunya a qauyen nan"(So you want to put me to Shame in this village) he said grabbing the engine belt by his side.

"Kawu kamun Rai Dan Allah, wallahi bazan sake ba, ka yafe mun" she pleaded with both hands, she remembers the last time she was beaten with that belt, she got wounded all over her body and it was really painful.

"So you even have the gut to do Saurayi (Boyfriend), in my own house?" He pointed at his self. He raised the belt and landed it on her back making her to tremble on the floor, he continued lashing the engine belt on her until he got tired.

"Gobe ba Zaki sake Saba wa umarni na ba" (Next time you wouldn't dare go against my word) he kicked her away and eyed Inna before getting into his hut. She followed her husband to apologise to him cause she doesn't like to see him angry with her, else he won't give her money for Adashe.

Habibu stuck out his tongue at her and smirked, while Jummai just laughed and went out to play with her friends. Jiddah stood up, dusted her cloth and went inside the hut to cry silently, her mind was telling her all is well and it was for her benefit.

"You will be free from this wicked people,you have the opportunity to attend senior school, a city one to be precised, C'mon Jiddah, luck is on your side, you should be happy" she cheered herself.

Chapter Dedicated to: AishaUmar953 and Amnarhhhh.

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I'll be posting at least three books every chapter as a recommendation to you guys🥳if I post a book here it's because it's worth it🙃.


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