xvi| An Unexpected Arrival

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"Would you sit still for one moment, I can't get a clear picture if you continue to squirm about, "

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"Would you sit still for one moment, I can't get a clear picture if you continue to squirm about, "

Maria giggled as Madam Pomfrey rubbed the cool jelly-like substance around her stomach," I can't help it, Poppy, it's cold."

Shaking her head, the matron turned back to her screen, carefully guiding her wand around the fairy's abdomen. Maria watched eagerly, having dreamt of this day for years she could barely contain her excitement.

A good few weeks have passed since her so what subtle intercourse and with morning sickness and dizzy spells, Maria taught it best to have proper conformation of her symptoms.

She squealed briefly, stopping Poppy in her tracks as she gave the fairy a challenging look, "My abdomen is sensitive." Maria put on her best innocent face, breaking into a cheeky smile.

"Oh, yes, how could I forget?" Madam Pomfrey replied sardonically, moving her wand one more time as an image appeared on the screen.

Maria's heart lept as the picture moved.

"Great news Maria, you are pregnant." Poppy declared, leaving the cornered off room to grab a towel.

A bright and adorning smile covered her face as she watched the screen in awe, " it's going to be you and I against the world little one, just you and I." Maria said to herself, overcome with joy as the picture continued to move.

It was a few minutes before Madam Pomfrey returned, wiping off the ultrasound gel, leaving Maria to get dressed.

As she slipped on her dress, Maria couldn't help but imagine the life herself and child were going to live, watching him or her grow up, start school, start a life of their own.

Once she finished getting dressed, she met the matron at her desk, gently sitting at the edge, her hands holding her middle.

"Now that the pregnancy is confirmed," Poppy began instructing, grabbing a few potion bottles of a nearby shelf," there are several things you need to do to ensure a smooth pregnancy such as cutting down on the consumption of alcohol, staying clear of any sort of drugs, mostly common sense."

"Here is a  potion to help with the morning sickness, just take a tablespoon every morning diluted in a glass of water." Poppy explained further, walking Maria out of the hospital wing.

"Thank you, Poppy, if anything happens, I will make sure to call in straight away. Now I have to tell Minerva," The pair burst into laughter, knowing that the witch would not be happy she wasn't kept in the know-how.

Resting a welcoming hand upon Maria's shoulder, Madam Pomfrey cast an encouraging smile to the fairy," You are going to be a great mother Maria, and if you ever need any help, I'm only an owl away."

Showing a reciprocated smile, Maria replied," Thank you again, this little flower and I are going to be just fine, isn't that right my sunshine?" Rubbing her hands around her stomach, Maria said her good-bye's to Madam Pomfrey and headed up to her classroom, ready for the rest of the afternoons' classes.

Her lesson plans consisted of going over the finer details of last weeks class with her fourth-year group and moving on to the next O.W.L topic with her fifth years: The Goblin Rebellion of 1612.

This was an unbearably boring topic, no amount of magic Maria could produce could make the civil war any more exciting.

So the lesson droned on, and on, and on until the final bell rang, saving the students from languor. Yet before the last of the marauders could leave, Maria called them back.

"Well, this is becoming a bit of a habit, isn't it Prongs?" Sirius asked his fellow marauder, sauntering up to the front of the classroom.

"That it is Padfoot, our favourite professor just can't seem to get enough of her most outstanding students," James rebutted, flashing a boyish smile while he sat on the corner of Maria's desk.

Crossing her arms, Maria finished putting away her papers, pushing one of her heavier books over to the corner James was situated on, pushing him off the edge.

It was very satisfactory watching the look of astonishment appeared on his face, making it almost impossible for the fairy to suppress her laughter.

"I'm dreadfully sorry boys but I need to speak to Remus," when she noticed that none of the boys was moving, she reiterated her request," privately, so if you don't mind waiting outside."

So of they went, hanging their heads as the left the room though you could hear their numerous protests in the adjoining corridor.

Now that Maria and Remus were left on their own, she took no time in biting the bullet, guiding the young chap to a chair she conjured in front of her desk.

"Now Remus, the question I am about to ask you is very important, so think through your answer very carefully."

Confused as to why he was held back, Remus nervously fixed his collar, wiping the beads of sweat that covered his palms," Uh, ok, if I chose wrong, it not going to affect my future, is it?" he asked sceptically, unsure of the answer.

"Oh, heavens no, this is more of a personal matter," holding her hands around her stomach, Maria looked back up at Remus with a smile," Would you like to be this little one's godfather?"

Concerned about his silence Maria was quick to apologise, "Of course that if you want to, obviously Minnie would be godmother, and I thought it would be nice to have one of my boys be apart of my baby's life."

Coming out of his daze, Remus couldn't help but smile, feeling immensely proud she chose him," I would be honoured to be the godfather"

The two hugged it out, chatting about life and school as they headed down to the great hall for dinner. Now all Maria had to do was inform Minerva of her pregnancy, the easy part.

Once dinner was over and students and staff began to disperse out of the hall, Maria quickly latched onto Minerva's arm, directing her to the small room located on the right-hand side of the Great Hall.

"What's going, Maria?" Minerva asked, wondering why she brought her here.

"There's something I need to show you," placing her hands around her torso, she couldn't help but smile at the look of shock upon the witch's face as she revealed her baby bump.

"Oh, my Merlin, when were you going to tell me you were pregnant?!"

"Relax, Minnie, I only got it confirmed this morning," Maria answered back smoothly," I've already asked Remus to be godfather, and I was hoping you would like to be godmother,"

Covering her mouth with her hand to contain her gasp, Minerva quickly dashed over to Maria, engulfing her in a hug, "Oh, yes, yes I'll be godmother."

"You're crushing me here Minerva," Maria exhaled deeply, brushing out the creases of her dress," But you have to promise me not to tell anyone else, I want it to be a surprise, not even Albus."

"Ooh yes of course," she promised, linking arms with the fairy," this is going to be so exciting, I'm going to spoil my little godchild in every way I can."

Laughing together, the pair headed up to Minerva's private quarters, celebrating the pregnancy and discussing possible baby names all while reminiscing old school days, something hopefully Maria's child wouldn't repeat.

Her life was now complete, nothing could take this joyous moment away from her.




What a chapter! Maria now has to look after a baby, lucky her x. But will it all be smooth sailing, find out in the next chapter!


I Do Believe in Fairies ☽ 𝗔 𝗛𝗣 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now