xx| Tea and Biscuits

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How does one move on from a loss? A question that kept plaguing her thoughts, night after night, day after day

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How does one move on from a loss? A question that kept plaguing her thoughts, night after night, day after day. Maria couldn't cope any more.

For the past three months, she'd given up teaching, spending her time by the lake or in her personal quarters. Her dancing stopped altogether, pointe shoes shoved in the back of a drawer, forgotten about.

Every Wednesday, the marauders would come down to the black lake and keep her company, trying their darndest to bring back the smile to her lips. Friday's were reserved for tea with Minerva, though they had the same effect, merely hours of small talk and silence.

Silence; seemed like a waste of time before, but now, the silence was peace. Somewhere to shut out the sympathy and pity. Somewhere to replace the emptiness with rage and anger.

Though the silence was short-lived, quickly replaced by the voices. Voices telling her how it should've been her that died, not the twins. Maria even thought about ending her life but realised that it would just cause others more pain.

So when Friday came along, the fairy mindlessly headed down the corridor to Minerva quarters, knocking lightly against the painting.

"Maria, come along now and we'll get you a nice cup of tea." Minerva hugged the fairy, guiding her over to her usual chair by the fireplace.

"Milk and sugar?" the younger witch asked, sticking her head out of the kitchenette.

Unmoving from her position by fire, Maria answered back, "You ask me every time I visit, I thought you would've remembered it by now."

A small formed on Minerva's face, glad to see Maria slowly fall back into her old ways," Peoples tastes change,"

A few minutes later Minerva arrived back with a tray of tea and a tall jar of biscuits. She set the teacups on the side table, using her wand to ignite the timber in the open fireplace.

"There you go, " Placing a half-full cup in front of her, the younger witch carefully filled the rest with milk, the plopping of two sugar cubes the only sound in the room.

They sat in a thick stillness, Maria's eyes never leaving the light of the burning embers and Minerva's flickering as she tried to read the fairy.

"I know who did it," Maria spoke casually, breaking the silence.

"Did what-" Minerva began to question her but was interrupted by the fairy, a wave of remembrance flooding her eyes.

"He knew all I ever wanted was a family, I never stopped harping on about it. I thought it would've been with him, we would settle down in a nice cottage in the country, our youngsters doing our heads in when we were trying to make supper."

"He took away the only thing I wanted in life, the ultimate vengeance."

"Who Maria?" Minerva asked again, worry filling her face, only worsening as the fairy hand began to shake.

"We were as thick as thieves, always striving to outshine the other. I was very fond of him, and he of me. Everything about him screamed power and control, back then, something I thrived for."

"We were unstoppable together, no one could best us. But then he changed." Maria's hands became as still as a bag of bones, colour draining from her rosy cheeks.

"Who changed Maria?" Minerva begged, torn as this was the first proper conversation they'd had since the accident.

The fairy proceeded with her story, speaking as if she was in a trance, "He began to delve in dark magic, plotting to overthrow the ministry in the name of blood purity and I couldn't bring myself to go with him. I broke his heart."

"And now he's gotten his revenge."

"Who is he?"

Blicking, Maria turned to face Minerva, a look of obviousness and curiosity splashed across her face, "Tom."

Though before the younger witch could ask any further questions, Maria excused herself, leaving Minerva's quarters.

The sun had set, only the moon lifting up the sky. Maria moved slowly down the staircase, heading out of the courtyard and down the path towards the forbidden forest.

The voice of a small child echoed through the trees, swept across the forest by the wind, " Come with me, come and play with me, come with me."

Entranced by the mystical voice, Maria ventured further and further into the woods, unaware of her actions. She could see a gap in the trees, walking further until she had reached a clearing.

"Hello, are you there?" she called out to the void, looking around.

"Hello, Maria, long time no see."

The fairy froze in her spot, unable to move, unable to speak.

"What's the matter, cat got your tongue?" the dark wizard circled around her, like a tiger watching a gazelle, waiting to pounce.

"What do you want Tom?" Maria choked out, her breath hitching as he faced her.

"Straight to the point, just like our school days. Ah yes, the good times." Tom Riddle elaborated, " Though I assume you've heard, I go by a different name now."

Stepping back slightly, Maria spoke softly, growing into a shout" You've got what you wanted, you took away the one thing I ever wanted!"

"As you did to me!" Tom whipped around, walking towards the fairy as she took more steps backwards, "Did you think I wouldn't be prepared for your magic, I'm twice as powerful as I was then Maria, I could squish you like an ant!"

"Then do it already!" Maria screamed, "Kill me, and get it over and done with."

Unfazed by her outburst, Tom circled around her again, whispering in her ear as a cold shiver ran down her back," But that would be too easy. You've changed Maria, you've gotten weak."

Laughing to himself only made Maria more enraged, her magic fighting to get out. As Tom stalked away, Maria lost control, sending a wave of energy out across the forest, radiating from her core as she screeched," I. Am. Not. Weak!"

The magic then suddenly stopped, draining Maria as she fell to the ground panting. The last thing she could see was Tom's figure spread along the forest floor before he disappeared.



Hello everyone! I'm back! The surgery went really well so now it's just recovery. This week was so hectic between homework and physio appointments but I'll try my best to stick to the schedule. As you can see we only five chapters left.


I Do Believe in Fairies ☽ 𝗔 𝗛𝗣 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now