v| Teaching The Marauders

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A day has passed and Maria found herself back in the classroom, teaching 5th-year history

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A day has passed and Maria found herself back in the classroom, teaching 5th-year history. It was a fine Wednesday afternoon and the sun was just barely making its way from behind the clouds, causing the sky to forecast a dull grey atmosphere over the grounds of Hogwarts. Maria loved her occupation dearly; the thrill she acquired from teaching was simply irreplaceable. Her love for Hogwarts was also of great amount. The ancient castle was practically a second home to her- but it was the people that truly made her teaching experience worthwhile. This class, in particular, was made up of Gryffindors and Slytherins alike. It also happened to be the very class that the infamous Marauders were a part of.  

Maria shared a close relationship with each of the Marauders. In fact, she loved them equally to how she would love her very own children. James and Sirius were the trouble makers of the group, and sometimes Maria would aid them with their plans. After all, being a teacher had its privileges. These actions led her to become widely known as the "Queen Of Pranks " by the majority of the school's population. Even Peeves the Poltergeist himself has taken to saluting the woman whenever she passed down the hallway. Then There was Remus. He was a kind and loving book worm but Maria saw him as the most intelligent man since Merlin himself, even with his 'furry little problem'. Peter was a quiet boy and didn't say much but Maria loved him anyway.

Maria sat at her desk and watched as the student hurried into their seats. Today would be different compared to other classes. As it was a Wednesday, the students got to decide what they would like to learn about in the class. That was the rule.

"Good afternoon everyone" Maria greeted the sea of students.

"Good afternoon Ms Lightly" they chorused back.

"Now, as it is a Wednesday; you will be deciding what we will learn in today's class."

There was a sea of hands in the air. Maria looked around before settling on Axius Fawley.

"Mr Fawley, what would you like to learn today? Choose wisely" Maria told him.

"Well, we know all about the history of Hogwarts and the wizarding world, so can we learn about where you come from?" he asked.

Maria pondered the question for a moment, wondering if she was really willing to divulge her past to her students. Subsequently, she decided it was better to teach them about Magix and the other dimensions so they are ready for the world that awaits them.

"Of course, there are many things to know about Magix and the other worlds in this universe, so you will have to be more direct with your questions. I don't have all day" Maria smiled lightly at the end, indicating she wasn't scolding the poor young man.

"Can anyone help Mr Fawley?" Maria asked the class, walking out from behind her desk.

The Marauders hands instantly shot into the air. Maria shook her head at their antics, now having a row amongst themselves on who had their hand in the air first. This was Maria's time to step in before one of them was to be sent to the infirmary.

"Yes, Mr Black?" Maria settled on Sirius, who was now ruffling James's hair.

He quickly stopped, straightened his tie with a smirk, earning a dig in the side from James, clearing his throat before he asked his question.

"What educational facilities such as our own are in Magix," he asked, imitating a posh British accent.

"That is a good question, Mr Black. There are three 'educational facilities' as you pointed out on Magix. For fairies, there is a school called Alfea, for witches, there is Cloud Tower and for specialists, Red Fountain." Maria told the class, using her magic to create images of the schools and their Principals as she mentioned them.

The class looked at the pictures in awe, the magic still so fascinating five years later, before breaking up to murmur amongst themselves, until James put his hand up, catching Maria's attention.

"Yes, Mr Potter?"

"What villains are there in Magix?" James asked Maria.

At this, the entire class became silent once more, some looking at her in shock, others with fear, due to the rise of the dark lord.

"Well, " she began solemnly, "around 15 years ago we had our very own Dark Lord. His name was Valtor." Some students gasped as Maria created his figure, rising from the ground, taking a threatening stance.

"Valtor was a very powerful wizard; determined to rule over all of the magic dimension." Maria lectured the class, her hands clasped behind her.

" Fortunately, with the help of The Company Of Light, we defeated Valtor, binding him in ice so he would not come to power again."

"How did you defeat Valtor?" A redheaded girl asked Maria.

"Well, Ms Evans, I came to Hogwarts to pose as an exchange student from America, for at the time Alfea and the rest of the magic dimension were no longer safe. Professor Dippit took me in, I was just a new student to the rest of the school."

It was a stormy night...


Well, here we go!! Finally got around to posting a chapter!!!

A big round of applause to my editor/ BFF book_absorbed who has played a big part in making this story come to life.


I Do Believe in Fairies ☽ 𝗔 𝗛𝗣 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 [1] ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang