xi| Festivities & Mischief

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Maria winced as Madam Pomfrey prodded at her leg

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Maria winced as Madam Pomfrey prodded at her leg. After Albus announced the winner, Minerva quickly brought her to the hospital wing despite Maria's claims that she was fine.

"Yes, definitely broken" She concluded, getting out the necessary salves and ointments from the cupboard beside her bed.

"Really, I hadn't noticed" Maria snottily replied, rolling her eyes. Maria was in an unpleasant mood, only soured further by Horace's snobbery, boasting about his win over her house.

"Maria!" Minerva scolded her, giving her light tap on the arm.

Poppy gave her a condemnatory look, rubbing a cold salve on her swollen leg.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't take my foul temper out on you, " Maria apologized, using her own earth magic to heal the broken bone.

Madam Pomfrey tutted, putting her medicines away as they were no longer necessary. She didn't approve of Maria using her elemental magic, but they did come in handy at times.

"Even as a student, your mouth got you into trouble, " Poppy lectured the fairy, who was only a few years younger than herself.

"I suppose, yet sadly you can't teach an old dog new tricks, " Maria joked, carefully sitting up off the bed as not to agitate her tender muscles and headed over to Poppy's desk with help from Minerva.

"Not this dog anyway, " Madam Pomfrey let out a small smile at the look of astonishment on the fairy's face, quickly replaced by a friendly grin.

"What can I say, I'm set on my ways."

The triad then headed down to the great hall for supper, ready to enjoy a nice meal and conversation before the exuberant house festivities.

The jubilant Gryfindors partied well through the night, celebrating their players and the win that was rightfully theirs. They may not have won the score but they definitely won the match. The party was located in the Gryffindor common room, the heart of the atmosphere.

Teachers wouldn't attend these sort of gatherings but as Maria helped tremendously, James and the rest of her little rascals forced her to participate.

When they entered through the portrait of the fat lady, music was blaring through enchanted speakers and everybody was cheering them on as they entered.

Maria laughed at their enthusiasm, waving them off, before making her way over to the boys.

"Right I've made my appearance, you go and have fun now, " Maria sent her goodbyes to the group, with protests from them as she left.

" But the party has only begun, you can't leave now" Sirius argued, already tipsy, "Here, let me get you a drink."

Before she could complain, Sirius already had the red beverage in her hand. She eyed the group, observing their sympathetic eyes, rolling her own as well.

" fine, but only one drink, " she gave in to their pleas, downing the drink in one gulp.

"ugh, that is strong" Maria scrunched up her nose, while the others laughed at her facial expressions.

The liquid burned her throat, heavily spiked with fire whisky. She placed the cup down beside her, watching as the students danced and laughed with each other, not care in the world.

As the night went on, one drink turned to three, which soon became seven. Most of the party-goers were immensely drunk coming up to half-past two, including Maria. You see, fairies aren't commonly known for their high alcohol tolerance, compared to their wizarding counterparts.

Maria stumbled about the common room, laughing and giggling like a schoolgirl. She danced to the music that was being played, surprisingly still gracefully after so many drinks. Call it a hidden talent.

There was a reason Maria didn't indulge in alcoholic beverages, she was liable to do anything.

"Remus, come dance with me, " she laughed, rushing over to the boy who was reading in the bay window.

He looked up from the book he was reading, gently forcing her hands off his arm.

" I'm... Just gonna... Read my book over here." Remus guided the tipsy woman over to one of the armchairs and headed up to his dormitory, the party scene not really his thing.

"You're no fun, Remus!" Maria called up to him as he left, "what a load of codswallop" she thought to herself.

Scouting out the room for suitable partners, Maria landed on a perfect dancer. She scurried over to James, who was trying to chat up Lily.

"James, come dance with your godmother, " Maria split up the pair, resting her arms on his shoulders, placing them into the waltz position.

James opened his mouth to argue as he was just about to score a date, but Maria quickly shushed him, her words slightly slurred, " Lily will be there when we finish, now be a good boy and dance with your godmother."

That night, Maria had danced with every male, giving them a kiss on the cheek as a token of her appreciation. She even danced with her favourite Prewett twins, who both had already fallen in love with her, her teasing only furthering that lust.

At that moment, raging testosterone became more unruly. Maria was having the time of her life, not caring about the consequences that followed. She was enjoying life as a twenty-one-year-old, yet one's outward appearance doesn't always tell the full story.


And that's a wrap! I love this scene and Maria shows her more seductive side. I hope you all enjoy it and the consequences to follow.


I Do Believe in Fairies ☽ 𝗔 𝗛𝗣 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 [1] ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora