iv| The New Professor

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Inside Dumbledore's office:"You called for me Albus?" Maria asked

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Inside Dumbledore's office:
"You called for me Albus?" Maria asked.

She was quick to note a slight change in the office. A smile lit up the fairies face as she took in the sight before her.

"My my, the headmaster's chair really suits you" she complimented.

Albus merely shook his head at the young woman's antics but couldn't help the proud grin that stretched on his lips. Ever since he arrived at Hogwarts as a small eleven-year-old boy, he was fascinated by the school. Albus made a vow to come back as a teacher and now that he was offered the position as Headmaster- he couldn't have been happier.

Since day one, Maria and Albus have gotten along well. In fact, they got along so splendidly, that at times their closeness gave the illusion of an actively dating couple. But to Maria that couldn't have been further from the truth- her heart already belonged to someone else.

"I have asked you to come here as I wish to introduce you to our new transfiguration professor: Minerva McGonagall. On second thought," he added, "I'm sure that you already know her."

Just as Albus had suggested, the name did seem to sound familiar to Maria. It suddenly occurred to her that she had indeed known a Minerva before from her time at Alfea.

"Yes, she was a few years younger than me. I believe she attended Cloud Tower though but I've heard great things about her. Apparently, she's a very gifted student. You were lucky to hire such talent" she stated, directing her compliment to Minerva, who had been keeping to herself in the corner of the office.

Minerva blushed slightly at the kind praise but smiled gratefully nonetheless.

"Thank you. And you are correct in saying I attended Cloud Tower. It wasn't until later that my parents transferred me to Hogwarts."

Albus smiled at the pair, glad that his colleges were getting along. He was slightly worried when he hired Minerva, as he feared for Maria to reject her due to complications in the past regarding Cloud Tower- but it seemed the two got on well.

"Well, now that introductions are over, could you please show professor McGonagall to her living quarters?" Albus asked, directing his question to Maria.

"Certainly headmaster," Maria replied giving him a curt nod in response. She beckoned Minerva to follow her and swiftly left the office, heading towards the transfiguration quarters.

As the two professors walked down to Minerva's chambers, the topic of school and Magix came up. Maria couldn't help but be curious about what she had missed during her absence.

"So, any major changes in Magix over these twenty years?" She inquired, wanting to know the details.

Minerva gave her question some thought before replying. Not much has changed during Maria's absence, but there were some minor changes in authority when it came to Cloud Tower and Alfea- ones that no doubt would interest the fairy.

I Do Believe in Fairies ☽ 𝗔 𝗛𝗣 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now