iii| Talking

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*Edited:03/01/2020 *

"If you don't mind me asking Ms Lightly, you said this happened 20 years ago but you don't look a day over 21" inquired Severus with much confusion

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"If you don't mind me asking Ms Lightly,
you said this happened 20 years ago but you don't look a day over 21" inquired Severus with much confusion.

"There's no need to call me Ms Lightly outside of the classroom Severus. Maria will do. Now to answer your question, a fairy can choose, on their 21st birthday, to age like everyone else or stay how they are."

"So you chose not to age?" Severus asked, still confused.

"Obviously. I wanted to stay young and beautiful for as long as I lived." Maria replied laughing, copying Snape's most common retort.

"There was really no need for that, Miss Lightly" he grumbled under his breath, no longer holding her gaze. After giving it some thought, he couldn't help but wonder about Maria's true age. He approached the subject cautiously, not wanting to offend the fairy. "I know it is terribly rude to ask a lady her age, but how old are you?"

"It's quite alright Severus. I am 48 years young."

The next morning:

Maria was in her classroom early that morning, preparing the materials needed for her first class: 3rd-year history. She was offered the job soon after graduating from Hogwarts in the year 1947 with the sudden retirement of Professor Binns, who wished to join the other ghosts that dwelled in the castle. She accepted straight away of course, but you know what they say- the rest is history.

While Maria was getting out her books from the cupboard when a house-elf apparated right behind her. Upon turning around, she jumped, unaware of the elf behind her.

"Oh Chip, it's only you. I thought it might have been James and Sirius waiting to pull another prank." Maria let out a sigh of relief, catching her breath.

"Chip is sorry for scaring you miss but Professor Dumbledore has given Chip a message to meet him in his office"

" Thank you Chip, I'll head up right away."

Hey Guys!!
Sorry for the short chapter. It's really just a filler chapter to see the scene for the next.

Another round of applause to my editor/BFF book_absorbed for helping me edit this chapter!! Go check out her work!!


I Do Believe in Fairies ☽ 𝗔 𝗛𝗣 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now