Chapter 15

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••• Jack's POV•••

After we took Lucy back home, she started explaining what she remembers.

"I saw things," she shudders.
"First they attacked me in my own home. They knocked me unconscious and took me to Thomas' house. Then they tried to rape me. I clawed them."

Cole grinned at his younger sister, still not letting her leave the rooms alone. He had wrapped his arm around Lucy as if he was never going to let her leave his sight ever again.

"They knocked me out again. After that.. I don't remember much." She says.

"Aside from what happened, how do you feel?" Scylla asked her.

When I was helping her earlier, I wasn't even trying to impress her or show off or anything. I only was just helping her find her friend, who I realize I should've been nicer too. I was just being myself earlier, unlike how I usually am at school, which I have come to realize is a big jerk.

"I think I'm okay. My stomach really hurts."

Leo looked sad. He put his head in his hands then took Lucy's hands. "I'm so sorry, Lucy. This shouldn't have happened.. It's all my fault."

"It's not your fault," She replied. "I choose to be with you. That won't change. Ever."

Scylla leaned against me, her pulse higher than it should be. She was really warm as I held her.

Lucy then looked away from her boyfriend. "Does anyone have a phone with them?"

I pulled out my iPhone 6+ and handed it to her. She hadn't swiped yet but saw something and looked ready to explode. "School is almost out by now! We missed our test!"

"I think this is worse than missing a test." Sky said slowly, her brown hair falling into her face as she looked at Leo's phone.

He was shaking. Scylla looked at him in a sorrowful pity as she read something. She took his phone away and I could see it.

'Unknown Number: If you want your sister back alive you'll be back. with both the girls and no weapons.'

I repeated the message in my head. We could get Leo's sister back... If we gave his cousin Lucy and Scylla without a fight.

Like hell that's happening. I'm not letting anyone hurt Scylla. I'll kill them if they try to touch her.

"What do we do?" Scylla asks.

"I can't let either of you go.. You might get hurt, again. It'll just be me.. I'll try to do something, maybe I can get my sister back." Leo says, staring at his phone before looking at each of us.

"No, Leo, you can't!" Lucy grabbed his hands and bit her bottom lip.

"I have to. I can't let anyone else get hurt."

"Would both of you shut up? We need to think of something logically." Scylla says, sighing.

"Should I reply?" Leo frowns.


Leo stands with Scylla and Lucy outside his cousins' house. We had barely escaped the first time and now we are all back again. Cole and I were hiding in the bushes, holding guns.

Thomas walked outside with three guys around him. The youngest looked to be around fourteen and the oldest looked twenty-five or so.

I shivered as I watched them lock eyes on the girls.

"Where is my sister?" Leo says in a low, dangerous voice.

A guy about my age brought Julie out. She was resisting and her clothes were wrinkled. She saw Leo and she stopped, almost collapsing in the guy's grip.

"Two girls for one, that's hardly fair, don't you think?" Scylla taunts.

"Get the girls," Thomas orders with his eyes on Scylla.

The one with Julie pushed her forward and she falls to the ground, badly bruised. I clench my fists as that guy goes for Scylla. Another heads towards Lucy and grabs her hands, pulling them behind her back.

"We have to wait," Cole whispers behind me.

"Until when?" I reply.

Leo helps his sister who appears to be around fourteen of fifteen, to her feet. I think about our plan.

Someone's phone goes off. One of the guys answer it and looks guilty as a minute goes by. I can barely hear him say, "Tom, I have to go. Now. It's my mom!"

There was tension in the air. Julie stumbled barefoot into Cole's car. We had all drove out here and attempted at fitting in the car.

"Get out," Thomas growled.

The teenage boy walked away, shoving past Leo as he did. Tom turned around and said something to the guys holding Scylla and Lucy before they forced them insides the retched house. He put a hand on the youngest one and said something to him before having him start to follow the others inside.

Tom turned back to Leo. "Well, Leonardo, what are you waiting for? You have your sister back. Scat." He motions with his hand for him to leave.

"Not yet." Leo says, his voice deadly.

Our plan was supposed to be simple enough. We give the girls up, get Julie back, hide until Cole and I could attack, take the girls back before anything could happen to them, fight if needed, but not kill.

I wasn't going to kill anyone. I just wanted to make sure the girls were safe. I might shoot someone in the leg, but that can't really kill anyone.

Leo stepped forward. I couldn't tell you how but suddenly they were fighting. I saw a blur before I heard a gun shot. Cole sprinted out of the bush, inside the house.

So I did the natural thing and followed him.

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