Chapter 9

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I'm nervous and don't know what to do anymore.

Jack has been being super nice to me. I know Braden isn't very happy that I made up with Jack. What else could I have done?

I'm alone now.

Yes, I'm still dating Braden but he's an honest guy. That's good. And bad.

This is how it went...

Monday morning. I walked with Braden into the school. He asked me what happened after our date Saturday.

"Well.." My face had heated up. "Jack was also on his way home and wanted to talk."

Silence was my reply.

"It was difficult to ignore him so I.. We.. Had a conversation."

"Go on." He said.

"We went somewhere to talk. He apologized." Braden was about to object. "He was telling the truth, Braden."

He shut his mouth and I leaned against him. "Is that all?" He asked.

"He wanted us to get back together. I told him no. I'm dating you. I won't do that to you, Braden." He wrapped an arm around me.

"That's good; thanks," He kissed the top of my head.

I had smiled.

I was glad then. Now I don't know. If I try to talk about it now then Braden just changes the subject.

I used to think Braden would change me or was changing me, into a better or different person. Now I think I'm changing him. He's braver, even kinder, but bolder. He's become somewhat of a smart-alec thanks to me. So sorta a normal teenager. But I'm not sure if it's good.

I hadn't told Braden about what my dad said yet. I don't know if I should. That probably makes me a bad girlfriend. Ugh.

In homeroom today (Wednesday), bored to death, I made a pros and cons list of Jack and Braden.

'Jack: Pros and Cons

Pros- Sweet, caring, known forever, will do anything for me, wants me back(could be a con), we're neighbors too.

Cons- Falls towards his friends and others with peer pressure, persistent, cheated on me, super popular and I get jealous, I broke up with, can't get back together..

Okay. I need to make a list for Braden.

'Braden: Pros and Cons

Pros- Smart, sensitive, helpful, nice, romantic, caring, and understanding.

Cons- Doesn't want me to be friends with Jack, is stubborn, hasn't known for long, I trust but doesn't have 100 percent trust, uh nothing else he's great. '

I decided I would tell him but not at school. I didn't like the idea at all. I was afraid I might break out in tears and that doesn't come easily to me.

Everything has been happening so fast: Jack and Clare's sister, me and Braden, him kissing me, Jack wanting me back, him being honest, and my parents getting a divorce.

I looked at my grades in my second period once I finished the work since we were in the computer room. It said I had 1 A(in homeroom), 4 Cs, and 3Bs. My grades had dropped except the two Bs, those actually increased because I have those classes with Braden and he's been helping me study.

The people that would be considered geeks or nerds have been being my friends since they found out I was dating Braden, a nerd per-say, and not Jack, a popular one. So my cool rating went down even more.

Best FriendsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora