Chapter 14

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••• Jack's POV •••

"I don't feel safe about this." Scylla whispered besides me.

"We have to find them." Cole said determinedly.

He didn't seem like such a bad guy. Very protective of his sister, though. I'm lucky Scylla isn't his sister.

Suddenly, a tan guy on a motorcycle jumped off the bike and ran towards us.

"Leo!" Scylla yelled.

Well um.. Obviously that was Leo? Okay I'm tired. I hate mornings.

"Let's go." Cole said, not acknowledging his sister's boyfriend.

I don't know much about anyone here. The only person I know is Scylla. Lucy goes to my school but I don't talk to her. There's a large differences between Jocks and Nerds. Leo.. I don't know if he goes to my school. I've never seen him. And Cole graduated from another school a couple years ago.

Leo walks in front of us and the door creaks open. "The lights are on only if Thomas and his idiot buddies are here." He informs.

"Are the lights on?" Scylla asks confused.

Leo shook his head and went inside, followed by Cole. Scylla shot me a worried glance before she went in.

I instantly went after her. I felt it was a little awkward after our heart-to-heart yesterday. I had to get it out there though I don't like to talk about my feelings. But it felt off. Maybe it was just because of her distress from her friend being kidnapped.

"Just be careful. They could come back at any time." Leo warned.

"We got it." Cole said shortly.

"Do you think we should split up?" Scylla asks, looking around. It was daylight so we actually didn't need the lights on.

"Yeah. You and Jack could go look around up here. Cole? We could go look down stairs." Leo glanced nervously at his girl's brother.

Scylla seemed to since all the discomfort in the room so she turned to me. "Jack, do you mind if I go with Leo instead?"

Why was she asking me? It's not like it mattered anyways. . .

"I don't mind. Cole?" I say uncomfortably.

"Yeah. Let's go downstairs." Cole turns to the staircase and I stray behind.

• Scylla's POV •

The house was pretty trashy. That's all I could really say to describe it. It smelled horrible too. It reeked of smoke and alcohol.

I would've been fine going with anyone but I was worried for Leo. Sure, things didn't end well with him and Lucy before her... disappearance. But I couldn't let Cole make Leo beat himself up more for it. They all feel bad.

"Ugh sick!" I heard Leo look in another room. I headed to where he was. He looked at me in disgust and pointed in the room. I peaked my head in and saw nothing but a bed with messed up sheets and then on the floor was... I squinted harder and saw it.. a condom wrapper.

I make a sickly face and Leo and I started looking in other rooms.

There was not really anything here that describes what Lucy said.

"Leo, do you think the guys will show up?" I ask.

"I don't know. I'm incredibly worried about her. Thomas and I have never gotten along. He was always better than me. Anything that I had, he ruined or got better." Leo said.

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