Chapter 5

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I couldn't sleep that night.

I got home around eleven and stayed in bed until four am and turned the living room tv on, but couldn't focus on the show.

My parents are still away. My boyfriend cheated on me. I have no one to talk to. I can't focus on reading or even watching tv. I tried to eat breakfast a couple hours later, but it ended up coming back up.

I'm trying so hard to focus on one thing. Anything, now would be a good distraction. So far I can't sleep, or eat, or focus. That really sucks. I need a distraction, I just don't know what.

I just feel like listing my problems, since it seems like a lot. It was really frustrating.

1) I was cheated on.

2) I've lost my best friend.

3) I am completely alone.

4) I'm extremely tired.

5) My stomach won't eat without vomiting.

6) I have to go back to school tomorrow.

7) I don't have anything to focus on.

8) I don't have anyone to talk to.

9) My dogs are sick.

10) I feel like giving up.

11) I'm out of all my medicine and pills.

12) Luke was literally my only friend.

13) My grades have been failing since I tried out for the cross country team two weeks ago.

14) This list is long.


I got up, walked around the house, hoping my eyes would catch something interesting. The only thing I saw was the path to the treehouse.

But I won't go there. I don't know if Jack is there. So I can't.


I managed to fall asleep sometime later. I don't know how long I was asleep or when I fell asleep. I woke up to the alarm clock that sounds like dogs barking, which made my stomach hurt, thinking about my dogs.

I yawn and crawled out of bed. I showered and changed into black skinny jeans, slipped on a black spaghetti strap tank, and put on my gray running named brand shoes.

I slowly walked into the kitchen, hoping this time I wouldn't throw up my breakfast. I managed to eat a little cereal.

I fed my dogs then prepared myself for school, letting them outside.

It was twenty minutes later by the time I am in my car, heading to school. Half full backpack in the passengers seat, under my jacket. My phone is right next to me, even though I am not going to use it on the road.

Thoughts raced across my mind: I am headed to school without anyone caring about me, really. My parents are together only because of me, they're always arguing. I don't have Jack anymore. He hurt me so badly. I don't even have fake friends.

Not that that would've done anything. I didn't really have anyone. I was more of a drifter, following the clouds. Except it was sunny outside and everyone else was happy.


"How are you today?"

I've heard that question five times today. Why the hell do they care?

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