Chapter 16

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On Tuesday, all three of us went back to school.

I plugged my phone in last night since it had died fast, so I wasn't aware of any messages or phone calls.

Jack gave me a ride to school. Lucy was still recovering from a few minor injuries but she still went to school to make up for the test.

I went inside the building and didn't see my boyfriend until the beginning of seventh period when I was greeted by a flustered Braden, who wrapped his arm around my shoulders "Hey, Scylla."

"Hi Braden." I said and looped my hand through his, the one over my shoulders.

"Is there anything you want to tell me," he asked calmly.

My breath caught. I knew I had to tell him about me living in Jack's room for the next couple months and definitely about what happened yesterday.. But I was afraid he would break up with me.

I decided to play the safe side. "Have you talked to Lucy yet?"

"I saw her just a few minutes ago, on the way to the nurse. She said that she wasn't feeling good and that explained why she was gone yesterday."

"Yeah. Leo, her boyfriend, couldn't find his sister. She started texting me in the morning and I woke up but I didn't look at my phone. Not until breakfast and Jack gave me a ride and-"

"Jack?!" He exclaimed, his grip on my hand tighter.

"Don't get mad," I say quickly, my pulse speeding up.

"My dad got a job in Pennsylvania and is moving there for a couple months. He said I had to stay next door, at the Robinson's. It wasn't my choice." The bell rang and we sat in seventh period together.

Braden was silent the entire time we walked the halls and sat in class, taking notes from the teacher, until there was five minutes left, and we had free time. I was really worried.

"Can I ask you some questions?" He finally speaks.

"Yes, of course." I tell him.

"Where's your room?"

It was my turn to be silent for a good minute. "Well, the Robinson's don't have a spare room or bedroom so... I've been sleeping in Jack's room. Since Saturday night."

Anger was apparent in his eyes. "Braden, we didn't do anything together." I tried to explain.

"Was he with you yesterday? Was what Lucy said just a cover story?"

"I can't believe you would say that about one of your friends! Yes, he was with me. But you don't understand the situation." I started pleading but he seemed to getting angrier and listening less.

"Oh yeah? Then explain it to me."

Wasn't Braden supposed to be the smart one here? But I couldn't tell him what happened. Leo made us swear not to talk of what happened to us. But could I tell him? I love Braden.. Isn't love worth knowledge?

But do you really love him? A voice in the back of my head says, sending chills on my arms.

"Braden, I can't. I really can't. It was a promise and I won't break a promise."


People poured out of the room.

"Remember earlier when I said that Leo couldn't find his sister?" I asked him, hoping this would work and save our relationship.


"That's where we were, all of us. I went to help them, since we're friends. Jack simply gave me a ride."

That is one way of putting it. My heart raced and my hands shook in my pockets as we stood up.

He studied me. "I'm sorry, Scylla. I should've believed you."

Yeah, you really should have, instead of yelling at me, I thought.

"Let me give you a ride home - or to his house, at least."

I bit my lower lip. "I already promised Jack that he could take me.. But you'll save gas if you don't." I tried to appeal to the scientist in him.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," he said coldly before walking away.

"Braden," I called after him and tried to catch up.

I was a runner and he was a nerd, but he was faster than me. Because he was trying to get away from me.

I walked the halls with a lump in my throat and I found Jack at his locker, putting away his backpack.

"Ready to go, Sky?" He asked me with a small smile.

"Yeah. Let's go," I say, staring at his locker door.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him frown at me but didn't say anything.

He closed the door and I followed him outside. "Lucy left early today, in sixth period. She started throwing up in World History class."

"I'll call her when we get to your house, make sure she's okay." I said.

I realized he was paying attention to other people in his class, not just the athletes.




"Hey. How are you? Braden said he saw you before seventh and Jack said you left during sixth period."

"I'm okay... I started puking randomly, went to the nurse at the end of sixth, and ran into Braden right before the bell."

"Braden wasn't in sixth period?" I asked shocked.

"He's not in my World History class, but he wasn't in his class four minutes before the bell rings."

"Huh. Anyways, are you better now? Any idea what caused it?" I asked to the phone.

"No, but I do have a theory and it's not good. I might know in a couple weeks. I asked the office to give you my worksheets from school so you can give them to me. I'm taking a few weeks off from school. It's what I need to do," she says, determined.

"Wow, okay. I'll check in with the office tomorrow. I hope you get better," I said in response, taken back.

"Me too. I gotta go, bye, Skully." I could hear her smile at giving me that awful nickname.



The connection ends and I sit on the bing-bag chair.

I don't know what to do. My boyfriend is mad at me, my best friend is sick, and it's hard to talk to Jack about these things.

I just need to hope for the best.

But why wasn't Braden in class?

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