Chapter 18

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I don't know if I was able to handle those words.

I didn't think Jack could either.

"You're... What?" Jack said, in shock.

Cate let out a shaky breath and replied, "Pregnant, Jack. I am pregnant."

She looked away from him and saw me. We studied each other with dislike. Clare's sister was wearing a pink crop top with white shorts. She does realize it's spring and fifty degrees outside, right?

"Anything you want to say?" She said with distaste.

"Yeah. Prove it was Jack," I cross my arms and go down the rest of the stairs.

"You want me to go back to the doctor and ask for a DNA test? I was just there and -"

"It's the best idea any of us have," Jack says, looking into my eyes guiltily.

I don't know why I was calm. It was strange but I had a fiery courage against her.

Cate looked at me with anger. "Fine," she says before stomping out to her tiny yellow Bug car.

Jack waited for me to exit his house before turning off the light and closing the door. We went into his car and drove in silence.

I knew what it could mean if Cate's baby is Jack's too. I know Jack. When he messes something up, he'll try anything to fix it by doing whatever he can. If that child really is his . . . Jack won't leave it; he'll stay with the kid, because a part of him is with that child. That could really hurt us.

He knew that too. I could tell by looking at him he wanted to say something but didn't know what. Once we got to the hospital, we followed Cate to her doctor's room after she called for him.

A woman walked in and said "Doctor Smith will be with you momentarily." Then she left.

I stayed next to Jack, a good foot and a half away from Cate Gumie.

A minute of awkward silence later, a young male doctor came in. He couldn't have been more than twenty-five. He had shaggy brown hair and green eyes, and was fairly attractive. He seemed surprised to have guests besides Cate but shook our hands and introduced himself, nonetheless.

"I'm Jack and this is Scylla," Jack said in a polite manner but I could tell he was angry.

"Of course," Dr. Smith said shortly, not caring. "My apologizes, but to run a few tests, I need peace and to be alone with Ms. Gumie."

"We'll be outside then," I said, taking Jack's wrists and leading him outside.

Cate and the doctor had a low conversation and it was hard to understand. I didn't know how long this would take.

Jack kept eyeing the people who went down the hallways. I finally figured out why. "You think your parents might be here?"

"Well they weren't home this morning. Sometimes Mom gets nights off and Dad gets the mornings off but.."

I could see where he was coming from, in a way. If his parents knew why he was here, he would be dead.

"Don't worry." I said, but it wasn't convincing at all.

He looked at me and smiled for the first time in almost a day. "You're right. I'm with you, I won't worry." Jack took my hand and I didn't stop him.

"We need to talk about this," I told him. I looked down at our hands.

"I know. This is the worst position. Between us, we - " The door opened and the doctor stepped out.

"Jack, would you come in here please?" Luke squeezed my hand then followed Doctor Smith inside.

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