Chapter 12

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• Scylla's POV •
- Next Day -

"Stupid," he mutters.

Jack kept mumbling in his sleep. It was always 'stop' or 'no' or 'stupid'. He is stupid, I thought, grumbling.

I got up, as tired as ever, and found some more clothes. Today was Sunday, February 22. I don't attend Church and neither does Jack, seeing as his parents are always at work. Considering how quiet the house was at half past nine in the morning, I assumed they were at work.

I dragged my suitcase to the bathroom. Hm.. What to wear? No plans today but I can't stay here. It's really hard being around Jack, even harder to admit I might still have a teeny-tiny crush on him. I just need to stick to the plan.

Deciding on jeans, tennis shoes, and an oversized sweat-shirt that made a V-neck, I started to head back to Jack's room to check my phone when I stopped short in the doorway. He looked so.. so... peaceful. I didn't know what to think.

I realized what I was thinking and I set my stuff down, silently cursing at myself.

The only way I could get anywhere was by walking. Or- no. That's not a possibility. Jack Robinson is NOT driving me anywhere ever again. Who knows where he would take me?

I wonder what he is dreaming about. From when I knew him he never talked in his sleep.

I decided I'll head to the main mall. I wasn't planning on shopping, just getting some breakfast.

I walked around Jack, looking for my purse. Dad had forgotten to tell me what was happening to my dogs. He put them down.

Taking a deep breath, forcing myself not to cry, I search through my bags, looking.

"Why are you crying?" I heard a voice ask, sounding as concerned as a tired person could get.

"I'm not," I snap.

I rub my eyes, wiping off the tears from the corners of my eyes. I grab my purse and phone.

I start to stand up but a hand on my wrist stopped me. I lost my balance and fell to my left. I landed on Jack. "What was that for?" I moaned.

I looked up at him. His hair was messy and he had lines on his face from the position he slept in on the bing-bag. He respected my personal space? Okay so he might not be a total jerk. But he did just make me fall on top of him.

"Scylla-" He begins.

I thought about how when I turn 18, I'm changing my name. I hate my first name, my middle name, and my last name. Scylla Rey Martin. I'm changing it all.

"Let me up!" I couldn't take being near him.

"No." He says.

I glare at him.

"Give up yet?" His mouth turns into a smirk.

I reach up and yank the pillow from his bed then lay it against my back before crossing my arms, still glaring at him. I guess I was just trying to give him a hard time. I was just playing him for now. He deserves it.

"Good." He smirked again and also laid against the pillow.

I close my eyes, as stiff as a board. Still tired, I start to doze. As I just start to fall asleep, I felt something. My heart raced as I realized Jack was kissing my neck. I hate to admit it, but it felt good. It felt worse when I realized I wanted him to kiss me. The worst? I wanted to kiss him.

I can't. I can't. I can't. I kept repeating that in my head. Each time I asked myself why not? Then it hit me: Braden. Oh shit, Braden. I pushed away from Jack, my bag gripped tightly, and ran out of the room. Then I ran out of the house. I ran down the street, going as far as I could get. I realized Jack could find me anywhere. He was faster than me. Plus, he has a car.

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