ASL: Part 3

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Three brothers, with a bond that runs deeper than blood. They were once three trouble makers giving a certain mountain bandit a run for her money, now they're three of some of the most wanted men alive.

Part 3: Sabo

Sabo, commonly known as the number 2 of the revolutionary army, right under Monkey D. Dragon, Luffy's father. He was born into nobility, being the son of Outlook III and Didit. His family also adopted a younger son by the name of Stelly, to succeed them as they saw Sabo to be an unfit successor. However Sabo has no ties to his family and currently has two 'brothers', Monkey D. Luffy and Portgas D. Ace.

Sabo was born with it all, being born into a noble family. However he wasn't the usual stock up bastard like his family and other nobles. In fact he hated being a noble and often ran away from home, as he feel like he was being suffocated by everyone around him.

He often ran away to The Gray Terminal, which was a lawless area just outside of the Goa Kindgom. It was there he met Ace. The two immediately hit it off with one another, making mischief through out the Gray Terminal.

One day he and Ace were doing their usual exploits when they came across a devil fruit. Deciding on who to give it to, they came up with something unheard of. They cut the fruit in half and ate the halves at the same time. Surprisingly enough they both gained the power of the Flare-Flare fruit. They decided to keep how they did it a secret considering if anyone else figured it out it can be a problem.

One day the two were counting the money in their pirate's savings when Luffy showed up. Seems he had followed Ace. Sabo had helped Ace tie him up and the two contemplated if to kill him, however after the hostage incident with the Blue Jam pirates Ace and Sabo started to like Luffy, Sabo more than Ace. The three had eventually became 'brothers' as they created mayhem throughout the Gray Terminal.

One day they ran into the Blue Jam pirates again however they weren't after their treasure this time. Instead they were hired by Sabo's father to bring him back. It was then that Ace and Luffy found out that he was a noble, but they didn't care, However Sabo left in order to protect his brothers.

While back in the Goa Kingdom Sabo figured out that a celestial dragon was visiting and that the people of the Goa Kingdom were going to burn all the trash, which included the Gray Terminal where Ace and Luffy lived. He tried his best to escape and warn them but security was tight. He then figured that Ace and Luffy would be able to find a way out of the situation so he tried to set out to sea, even though it meant breaking the promise the three made to set out at 17.

Sabo managed to set out in a small boat. He put a jolly roger which was the letter 'S' with the bones running through it. However his boat was in the direct path of the celestial dragon's ship, but Sabo was smart so he managed to get the ship out of the way in time. However the celestial dragon saw his jolly roger and shot down Sabo's boat. That was the day Sabo 'died'.

A few days later the revolutionary army was liberating the people from an island when Sabo's body washed up on shore. Monkey D. Dragon had saw him and luckily he was still alive. Dragon had took him back to their base where the treated his injuries. After a while he finally woke, the only thing his he did not have memory of anything besides his name. He did not know where he came from but he knew that he didn't want to go back there. And so Dragon took him in as a member of the revolutionary army. This was where he met Koala, a girl who Sabo became very close and attached to.

The revolutionary army trained him physically and mentally. He also trained hard with his devil fruit, the flare- flare fruit. After putting hard work for years Sabo became the chief of staff of the revolutionary army and was also known as the number 2, right under Dragon. He was now 20 and was on a mission when he saw the newspaper headline for that day. 'Fire Fist Ace Execution'. The article talked about how Ace was to be executed and the marines were gathering their forces to prepare for a war with Whitebeard.

It was after reading that article that Sabo's memories returned. he remembered everything. Without a second thought he immediately made his way to marine headquarters to save his brother. Little did he know that Luffy was doing the same thing.

It took him a while but Sabo arrived just Ace was about to be executed. Most of the enemies were on the ground due to Luffy's conqueror's haki. Sabo landed right next to Sengoku in a ball of flames as Ace was right in front of him. Ace began to cry as he saw his brother who he thought was dead for so long. Seeing what was happening Luffy also began to cry as the three brothers were now reunited. It was at this moment that Sengoku announced Sabo's identity in connection with Ace and Luffy's. Needless to say the world was shocked at what they heard.

After a while of fighting the war was finally over however many were injured including Ace, Sabo and Luffy. The three decided to train and get stronger in case something like this was to ever happen again. They each have a vivre card for the other two and are currently on their own journeys.

After the war Sabo was in the news more as the government could no longer afford to ignore the revolutionary army.

Sabo's bounty was 602,000,000 berries, mostly due to how discreet the revolutionary army were. However after the war and his status and history has been revealed his bounty is currently 850,000,000 berries.

This was a brief run through of the life of Sabo. The middle brother of the three.

(A/n: That's it for this chapter. So the three brothers are alive and well. I know the past three chapters had nothing to do with the current story line but it was necessary in order for me to continue this story without confusing the readers. The story will be back on track in the next chapter, and on that note there will be no updates next week. Next Chapter: August 1st)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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