Meet up/ Enter: Trafalgar Law

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"Hey I think we should stop here and wait for them to catch up" Usopp said.
"I think you're right, it is a meeting between our crews, it would look bad if we showed up without a captain" Robin concluded.

No sooner than Robin finished her sentence Luffy and Naruto showed up.
"Luffy?" Usopp said with slight relief"I'm glad you're here, I was suffering from 'can't continue without my captain' isis"he said with tears in his eyes. "Hey where's Sasuke and Zoro?" Naruto asked while lookin around. "They stayed back to have a match of their own" Robin said. "Knowing him he's probably lost" Usopp said with a tick mark. "Nah Sasuke's with him so they'll be fine" Naruto reassured them.

"Hey, dope" a voice behind them. "Wassup, teme" Naruto said to the voice. Then Sasuke and Zoro walked out of the bushes behind them. "What took you so long" Naruto asked with his hands behind his head. "Him" was all Sasuke said while pointing at Zoro who seemed to be complaining about Sanji not packing booze.

They continued walking for a while until they reached a river that was leading out to see. That's when a yellow submarine showed itself. A guy with a funny looking white hat with brown spots, a sword and a long robe stepped out, along with a white bear who was in an orange jumpsuit.

Law's POV
"Straw hat, nice to see you're here" I said in a monotone. I looked over at straw hat to see him completely ignoring me while looking through what seemed to be a lunch box. I coughed to get his attention but it was to no avail. I had just about given up and decided to wait when Nico Robin approached me along with Roronoa Zoro and a guy with jet black hair that looked sort of like...........a duck's butt. I shook my head off the thought and asked,"who are they?". "The blond's Naruto and the other one is Sasuke, they're new members of our crew" Robin answered in her usual stoic tone. "Anyway we should get down to business, but first you all should know that we're not the only ones after a yonko(emperor of the sea)" I said, which seemed to caught straw hat's attention.

Luffy POV
"Who else is going after a yonko? And which one?" I asked with a serious look that seemed to surprise Naruto and Sasuke. "Eustiss Kidd, Scrathman Apoo and Hawkins made an alliance. And there Red Haired Shanks" he finished. I was lost in my thoughts when Zoro brought me back to reality. "Don't tell me you're actually worried about him?"he asked with a mocking tone. "Of course not, Shanks is an emperor there's no way they'll win, and even if they do it sure won't be easy. Plus he is a master in conqueror's haki" I stated. Everyone looked at me in shock. "I know you know Shanks but how do you know for certain that he's a haki master?" Usopp asked. "Simple, I didn't notice it back then but I do now" I said while remembering the first time I actually saw Shanks use haki, even though I didn't know that's what it was.

Flashback ;-)

Luffy's hometown, Foosha village, East blue

The village was as quiet as they come.......except for one bar in specific. You can hear bottles clashing, people laughing and a whole lot of shouting from outside the bar. In the bar stood a beautiful woman with green hair and a hair tie on her head behind the counter. This woman's name was Makino. She was a mother figure to our infamous pirate. She was currently serving a guy with a straw hat on his head, "another round, would you Makino"the guy said after chugging down a glass of bear. "Sure thing" she said while heading in the back for another bottle. "I'm gonna a better pirate than you someday, with an even better crew!"shouted a boy who was drinking a glass of milk, sitting next to the guy with the straw hat. " You!!! A pirate!!!??? Hahaha, you're funny kid" the straw hat guy said. The kid just stuck his tongue out. The kid had jet black, messy hair and a scar under his left eye. The guy with the straw hat had red hair and a scar that seemed liked a claw mark over his left eye. Luffy was pouting that his idol and close friend, Shanks, said he couldn't be a pirate because he wasn't tough enough. He then got hungry and saw a chest with a purple, weird looking fruit in it. Not being one to actually care about danger, Luffy shoved the whole fruit into his mouth. "Blah blah" was all that was heard before everyone turned their attention to Luffy. And then reality hit Shanks as he began to panic. "Luffy please tell me you didn't eat the fruit in the chest!!!" Shanks shouted which sounded more like a plead to himself. "Uh huh" was all Luffy said before Shanks grabbed him by the ankles shaking him upside down. "Spit it out, spit it out kid" Shanks shouted and shouted until.......Luffy's legs began to stretch until his body was on the ground stretched out, Shanks still holding his legs about 10 feet off the ground.After a while everyone calmed down. Luffy was then told he would never be able to swim because of the fact that those who ate a devil fruit, the fruit Luffy ate, are hated by the sea.

While everyone was enjoying their sake and Luffy his milk, some guys came in at the bar asking for some sake. Makino had kindly told them that there were no more sake due to Shanks and his crew drinking all of it. Upon hearing this the group of guys, who just so happened to a couple of arrogant mountain bandits, grew fierce. Shanks realized this and gave them a sealed bottle of sake which he bought. However one thing led to another and mountain bandits made a mess of the bar while pouring the bottle of sake on Shanks. Not phased by what just happened they all started to laugh and Shanks offered to clean up the mess for Makino. However Luffy was furious at the bandits but even more so that Shanks did nothing but laugh it off.

Time skip>>>
Luffy went to make the bandits apologize for insulting Shanks and ended up being kidnapped after the leader of the bandits realized Luffy ate a devil fruit and could gain a lot of money by selling the boy. They was on a small boat sailing off when a monster appeared from under water. The boss bandit started to panic as he stuttered out,"S-s-sea k-k-king!!!" The sea king then charged at the boat eating the bandit while Luffy was able to barley to dodge by jumping out the boat and diving into the water. However being a devil fruit user he couldn't swim and the sea king took this opportunity to charge at him. Fearing for his life, Luffy closed his eyes waiting for the pain to come, but when he realized it didn't he opened his eyes. Upon opening his eyes he saw that Shanks was holding him with one arm. Looking at him Luffy began to cry when he noticed the sea king had Shanks's left arm. "Shanks!!!!!your arm!!!" Luffy shouted out while crying, not noticing the sea king approaching. However Shanks did and he gave the beast a monastery glare and told it to back off. Much to Luffy's surprise it did as he said.

Later Shanks and his crew was about to leave Foosha Village when Shanks gave Luffy his straw hat and told him once he became a great pirate, return it.

Flashback end

"Now let's plan out how we're going to take down the yonko Kaido." Law said.

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