A situation

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Luffy and the others who went to meet up with Trafalgar Law had returned. However when they do they meet someone who the had never seen since The War of the Best over 2 years ago.

"Don't worry Nami he's not an enemy" Luffy reassured Nami's unsaid doubts. "But how, isn't he a navy admiral?" Chopper asked clearly confused. "Aokiji you want something cold to drink?" Sanji asked, ignoring Chopper's earlier question. "Some ice tea please" Aokiji relied. "Sanji why are you so friendly with him?" Nami asked, even Robin was confused, considering the history she has with Aokiji. "Well Nami-san we met Aokiji a few months back" Sanji replied. Everyone, except Luffy and Zoro was shocked. "And why didn't you say anything then?" Nami asked, a tic mark appearing on he forehead. "Because we just saw him, and we decided that it wasn't worth a fight so we retreated" Sanji replied. This seemed to calm Nami down however she was still confused as to why he wasn't an enemy. "So why are you treating him like we're friends?" Nami asked. "Captain's orders" were all Sanji said before heading into the kitchen. That was when Aokiji spoke up. "As much as I'd like to explain the past to explain the present, we don't have time. I'm no longer a navy admiral for those of you who don't know." Aokiji started. Everyone had dropped jaws and Nami was about to ask a question when Aokiji cut her off. "I'm more of a  wanderer now, more or less and I've stumbled across some information that can greatly affect u" he finished. "Why help us?" Jimbei finally asked. "I'd like to keep that information to myself" Aokiji stated while sipping on his ice tea that Sanji brought. "Then how do we know that you're actually on our side?" Nami asked. "You don't. However if your captain deems me a threat, he's strong enough to defeat me now" he said. Aokiji was about to continue when a giant boulder came flying at their ship, with Luffy being able to deflect it just in time. "What was that?" Usopp shouted. "That was Fujitora. One of the two new admirals." Aokiji said. "Jimbei stare the ship into open waters, Franky get the Coup de burst ready" Nami shouted. "I should leave, we'll meet again sooner than you think" and with that Aokiji left. He jumped off the ship and moved so fast no one knew which direction he went. All while Luffy, Zoro and Sanji were trying their best smashing and slicing massive boulders that were raining down on them. "It's ready" Franky shouted. By this time Jimbei had already turn the ship to face open waters. "Let it rip Franky" Nami shouted. "Suuuuuuupppeeeerrr" Franky shouted as the ship blasted off into the sky, leaving the navy ship behind. "I'm in a different world, on a pirate ship, that flies. This is the best day ever" Naruto shouted.

Brief time skip>>>
On an island somewhere

Aokiji had arrived on a tourist island. He walked into a bar and sat by the counter.
"Can I get you something?" the bartender asks. "No I'm waiting on someone" was all he replied.

A few minutes later the bar doors open and a guy with a purple shirt, camo green three quarter pants and brown sandles walked in. He had yellow hair that was tied in a spiky bun making his head sort of look like a pineapple, and he had a blue cross tattoo on his chest. "Yo" Aokiji said as the guy came and sat next to him. "I was surprised when you found me and asked to meet" the guy said. "Well you know just as much as I that something's coming and us wanderers gotta stick together right" Aokiji said. "Wanderers? Is that what we're calling ourselves?" the guy asked while giving a slight chuckle. "So what did you want to meet me for?" the man asked. "Well" Aokiji started, "most likely straw hat Luffy is gonna seek you out, and considering I saw him just a few hours ago I know he's going to end up on this island by noon tomorrow for the latest-" "And you want me to hear him out" the man finished Aokiji's sentence. "That's right. I assume you'll do it?" Aokiji asked, already knowing the answer. "Anything for Ace's kid brother, however I'll hear him out, as to if I'll go along with whatever he wants, well that depends" the man finished. "Well it was nice talking with you but I best be going" Aokiji said, getting up. "Well see you later Kuzan" the man said. "Still calling me that huh, I'll keep in touch, Marco." And with that Aokiji left.

With the straw hats

"That was fun" Luffy laughed out right before Nami punched him in the head. The crew seemed to have relaxed once again. "Sakura-chan may I see your panties?" Brook asked right before being punched by Sakura. "Ouch, that punched made my eyes roll back. Wait.....I don't have eyes. Yo ho ho ho ho" Brook continued while Sakura deadpanned.

Naruto was in his room. Something seemed to be bothering him. "Summoning jutsu" with a poof of smoak, Gamakichi, his summons, appeared. "Yo wassup Naruto" Gamakichi said. "Hey kichi we have a sort of problem, I can't use sage mode" Naruto said. "What!!" was Gamakichi's response. "Look I don't know so I'm gonna summon the two toad geezers" Naruto said gaining a nod from Gamakichi. He bit his thumb hard enough to draw blood and did some hand signs before slamming his hand on the floor. "Summoning jutsu". " Why hello Naruto boy" a green old toad with a black cloak said. "Hey geezer toad, we have a problem. I can't use sage mode"

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