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"So you guys are ninjas from another world?" Law asked
"That's right" Sasuke stated with his usual Uchiha tone.
"Ok" was all Law said.
Everyone was deadpanned at the answer. "You're not surprised?" Naruto asked with much curiosity. "Well kid, when you're working with straw hat-ya, you'll find that nothing surprises you anymore" Law said. "You don't know how right you are" Usopp said, remembering the countless times Luffy grabbed them and jumped off of some extremely tall buildings with no regards for life. "So how do we beat this King of Beasts Kaido?" Sasuke asks. "Well Uchiha-san, we're  going to need a lot of fire power" Law said. "What's wrong with what we got, I mean it's obvious how strong Luffy and his crew is, and you and your crew have a similar radiant of power, just how strong is this guy?" Sasuke finished. "He's basically an immortal. He's tried to kill himself numerous times and failed each time. He jumped off a sky island thousands of feet in the sky, landed head first on an island and survived. That's how strong he is." Law said. "How are we supposed to defeat a guy who's undefeatable?" Naruto asked. "I never said he's undefeatable, there was one man who was able to harm him. Gave him a nasty scar." Law said. "Great so there's another beast out there. Just who is the guy?" Usopp asked, but in all honesty didn't want to hear the answer. "Red haired Shanks" was all Law said. "Wow Shanks is awesome" Luffy said with stars in his eyes. Robin gave out a light chuckle while Zoro smirked. "Now let's talk about who we're going to recruit" Law said.

Back on the ship

"Oh Nami-chan, here's your fruit cocktail!!!" Sanji said as he approached Nami with hearts in his eyes.
"Why thank you Sanji" Nami politely said. "Hey guys look, they made an article on Luffy's invasion on Big Mom's territory." Nami said. "What did they say?" Jimbei asked with a sort of concerned expression. "Well" Nami started but then stopped as she read what was on the paper. "Nami-san?" Jimbei said. "Oh sorry it's just that, Luffy is now a yonko of the sea" Nami said with a lot of shock and worry in her voice. "That's great" Franky shouted out. "How is that great??" Nami asked with tears in her eyes. "It means that we're now the crew of a yonko, which means we're more infamous now than ever" Sanji finished. "That's right" Jimbei started. "Your crew consist of two supernovas, an ex warlord, a demon child, and a Vinsmoke" Jimbei finished. Nami noticed that Sanji winced when Jimbei said the name Vinsmoke. The crew had figured out about Sanji's past and was ok with it but Sanji still hated that name. Nami sent a glare towards Jimbei which he relied with "sorry" and went back to the helm to sit. Sakura was confused as to what just happened but brushed it off.

After a while mist started to gather around the ship, and snow began to fall lightly. The mist was so thick that no one could see anything. Everyone was on guard, when a shadow started to appear through the mist. Soon a guy with shades on, a green trench coat, a bag over his shoulder and an right leg made out of ice. "Yo" the person said.

With Luffy

"Now that we have everything planned out, we should get going" Law said. "Yeah, see you later Tra-guy" Luffy shouted and started to head back with the rest of his crew following. "I'll make sure things go as planned" Robin reassured Law. He just nodded and went back in his submarine with Bepo and left.

After a while the ship was in sight. They also saw the snow and mist. They all started to run to the ship. That was when they met the person who was familiar to the straw hats.
"It's just you" Luffy said, his voice as calm as ever. When Zoro saw the person he released his sword that he had subconsciously gripped and let out a sigh then smirked. "Hey straw hat Luffy, we need to talk" the person said.

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