ASL: Part 2

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Three brothers, with a bond that runs deeper than blood. They were once three trouble makers giving a certain mountain bandit a run for her money, now they're three of some of the most wanted men alive.

Part 2: Portgas D. Ace

Portgas D. Ace, commonly known as 'Fire Fist Ace' or 'Fire Fist'. He's the son of the pirate king, Gol D. Roger. He is also the adoptive brother of 'Straw Hat Luffy' and the number 2 of the revolutionary army, Sabo. He was the eldest amongst them.

After the pirate king died the marines searched far and wide to make sure the bloodline of the pirate king was extinguished. However after a woman by the name of Portgas D. Rouge, Roger's spouse, held her child in her womb for 20 months, waiting for the right time. A time where it will be safe for him. However in doing so she died from giving birth to a son by the name Gol D. Ace, later changed to Portgas D. Ace.

He was adopted by Monkey D. Garp, who was keeping a promise to the late Roger. However for better or for worse Garp sent Ace to live with Dadan, a mountain bandit.

Ace was strong for a kid, he and his friend Sabo would steal, and do other petty crimes in order to put money into their pirates savings. One day they found a devil fruit while doing their usual exploits, and because of this devil fruit he will go on to be known as 'Fire Fist Ace'.

Eventually he was introduced to Luffy, who was 3 years younger, and after a really rough time Ace would begin to care for him as his older brother. So he decided to steal a bottle of sake from Dadan and with an exchange of cups, the three friends became three brothers.

However due to certain circumstances Sabo would soon die. At that moment Ace promised Luffy that he will never die and he promised himself that he would always protect Luffy.

Eventually Ace sailed out to sea, three years before Luffy, and started making a name for himself. He had his own crew called the Spade pirates and they were stirring up trouble. So much so that the world government recognised Ace's strength and offered him the title of warlord, however he refused.

He then set out to challenge whitebeard however was stopped by 'Son of the Sea Jibe'. They fought for 5 days straight. Eventually Whitebeard showed up and ace tried to take him on but was no match for the man who had the title of 'strongest man in the world'.

After suffering many casualties, Whitebeard brought Ace and his crew on his ship to recover. After waking up Ace stayed on the ship in order to keep trying to take Whitebeard's life, however he failed every time. After a talk with first division commander however, Marco, Ace began to warm up to the crew. Whitebeard's crew was a family, with Whitebeard being pops, and Ace was now a part of that family. He even became the commander for the second division.

It was there he met Marshall D. Teach, currently known as Blackbeard. Teach was a member of the second division and a close friend of Ace until he killed the 4th division commander, Thatch, and stole a devil fruit before abandoning ship. Whitebeard told Ace to leave the matter alone, however feeling responsible as his former commander, Ace set out to bring Blackbeard down.

While on this mission he met back up with Luffy, and met his crew for the first time in the Alabasta kingdom. It was there he gave Luffy a vivre card of him.

Soon after leaving the Alabasta kingdom, Ace finally caught up with Blackbeard. Ace was doing this as a sense of duty however it became personal when Blackbeard said he was going to target Straw Hat Luffy, unaware that he was Ace's kid brother.

The two then engaged in a fierce battle, however Ace lost that fight and Blackbeard saw it as an opportunity. So he handed Ace over to the government in exchange for becoming one of the 7 warlords of the sea.

The government decided that as notorious as he is, Ace should be publicly executed at marine headquarters in the holy land Marie Geoise. However things didn't go as planned when the Whitebeard pirates, Luffy and a group of other criminals from the underwater prison, Impel Down, showed up. The headquarters became a battle grown for what was later known as the 'War of the Best'.

In that war, Whitebeard lost his life. He had many scars, bullet wounds and cannon wounds but he died standing without a single scratch on his back. However Blackbeard soon showed up and showed the world something that no one has ever seen before. Right then and there, Blackbeard took Whitebeard's devil and fruit and became the first known man to ever wield 2 devil fruits. This shocked the entire world.

While trying to escape Akainu managed to injure both Ace and Luffy severely. However he didn't manage to deliver the finishing blow as Shanks soon showed up. It was said that Kaido was on his way to the war but was intercepted by Shanks. No one knows what happened between the two but we know that Kaido never showed up, and Shanks arrived the very next day. Shanks single handedly stopped the war.

Sengoku even agreed to let him burry the body of Whitebeard. As for the severely injured Ace and Luffy, Trafalgar Law managed to show up same time and took the two, along with Jinbe who was also severely injured, to treat their wounds. Shanks got the remnants of the Whitebeard pirates to retreat, he got Blackbeard to back off and he got the Marines to stop advancing.

It has been two years since the war of the best and a lot has changed. Currently the Whitebeard pirates are in hiding. They were being targeted by a new warlord who claims to be Whitebeard's biological son, Edward Weevil.

Sengoku is no longer the Fleet Admiral of the Navy instead he retired and Akainu is the new Fleet Admiral. Aokiji is no longer an admiral, in fact he's no longer with the marines.

Ace was alive and living a quiet life. After the war his bounty went from 550,000,000 berries to 750,000,000 berries.

This was a brief run through of the life of Portgas D. Ace. Eldest brother of the three.

(A/n: That's it for this chapter tell me what you guys think. I was initially planning on leaving ace dead as the original story but after a certain reader viewed her thoughts on wanting him alive I tried my best to keep him alive without having to change any big events in the One Piece timeline. Don't forget to vote. Bye!!! Next Chapter: July 18th)

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