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Ma rushed over and engulfed me in a tight hug. "Oh my gosh sweetie I was so worried."
"I'm ok mom." I say hugging her tightly.

Dad walks up to us with everyone else "Let's go discuss this back at the house."
Zayne, my brothers, my parents, and I all get into the limos and go home.

Once we get home we all change into comfortable clothes and end up sitting in the conference room.
Everyone is looking at me and Zayne is staring at me with such intensity that I look away. I take a deep breathe and start explaining stuff since my brothers and father still don't know everything.

"When I was younger I met Uncle Carson and he was at first just training me in self defense. He noticed that I had a talent for it and picked up in stuff easily. He started training me more and more and eventually we started with weapons and more advanced stuff. In about a year I could fight and shoot like a pro. He was like a uncle to me so that is when I started calling him Uncle Carson. He introduced me to some guys and later on I found out they were in the Mafia. I started going with them on small missions and I trained with them. One day Uncle Carson took my to the gym and I fell in love. I kept going back and trained until I could fight like a pro. Then I started street racing and worked my way up the ranks. At first Ma wasn't happy with what I was doing, and I now know why, but I am very stubborn and convincing." I say with a laugh and Ma nods.
"I made a point that what if something were to happen I would at least be able to take care of myself. Ma agreed and now I know she took the words more to heart then I did because she knew that one day we would come back here. That is why she always spoke and made me learn other languages. Uncle Carson taught me that if something ever happened that instead of panicking to try and stay calm so that I could get a grasp of the situation and find something to use to my advantage."

When I was done my speech I look up and see everyone looking at my in shock or amazement.

Marco is the first to speak "That is- AWESOME"Angelo screams.
Marco glares at him for getting cut off but Angelo is practically bouncing in his seat in excitement.

Alessandro sighs and then slaps Angelo in the back of the head which started a glare off between the twins. Ignoring them and their childish behavior we continue on with the conversation.

Ma looks around the table at everyone and says "From a young age she has always showed signs of being a leader and she is a fighter. She never let anyone tell her that she couldn't do anything, and if they did she would always prove them wrong."

With a sigh Dad goes to stand up "Ok everyone, I think we have had enough excitement for one night. Let's all go to bed."
Agreeing everyone says goodnight and goes to their rooms. I learned that Zayne is here so much that he has his own room. He basically lives here since his parents don't really acknowledge that he exists.


I wake up breathing super heavy, I must of had a bad dream. I look at the clock and see that it read 2:00 am. Just great. I toss and turn for another hour but finally accept that I won't be getting anymore sleep. I go out onto my balcony and look at the stars and enjoy the night time breeze.

Hearing a noise behind me, I whip around to see a shirtless Zayne leaning against the balcony door frame watching me intensely. Turning back around to look at the view of the night sky, out of the corner of my eye I see Zayne move closer until he is standing beside me. "Why are you up so early?"
Turning to look at him he continues to look out across the yard as the moonlight provides us with just enough light to see casting a glow onto everything. "I had a bad dream. Why were are you up so early?"

"Are you ok and I went to get a drink and I saw you out here."

"Yeah I am ok, I don't remember what it was about I just know I woke up freaking out."
He nods and kisses my temple. "Goodnight Noel."
Still shocked I don't get to respond by the time he is out of my room.
I am definitely not going to get any sleep now.

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