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(Fast forward of the following months getting to know her father and brother's)

Noel's POV
Watching Angelo run away from Luca because he threw water on him to wake up was hilarious. You would think this was an Olympic sport by the way they were jumping over things and throwing things at each other.
I am on Marco's shoulders as he carries me to get ice cream because I beat him in a shooting competition. I guess I have Uncle Carson to thank for that.
Dad and I are out for breakfast and he is telling me how he first met mom. He told me that she hated him at first but after time they fell in love.
Many family dinners that have ended with food fights. I guess they do know how to let loose and have a little fun.
Donte and I went racing on the track back in the woods. We were there for hours, mom had to call to make us come home for dinner.
Angelo and Alessandro took me paint balling and let's just say their egos are bruised a little.
I learned that Matteo and I are very similar. We like a lot of the same things. We have bonded over the craziness of our siblings. After he kept reminding me that he was the youngest for a while and it was my turn now.
I finally feel like I have a really family and we are like normal sibling. Well, as normal as the children of a Mafia boss can be.

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